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VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Tasks and prospects of the agro-industrial complex in the context of the Rural Revival and Development Program"

УДК 338.436.33(043.2)
ББК 65.32.43

Under the editorship of Academician V. G. Gusakov

Problems and prospects of Agro-Industrial Complex in the context of the Rural Revival and Development Program (Materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference, September 28‒29, 2006) / ed. V. G. Gusakov. ‒ Minsk : The Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2006. ‒ 158 p.


On September 28‒29, 2006, the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference «Problems and Prospects of Agro-Industrial Complex in the Context of the Rural Revival and Development Program» took place in Minsk.

Scientists-economists of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany took part in the conference. Part of the materials of the conference was published in the form of abstracts in № 10 of the journal «Agrarian economics». This collection includes full reports and reports of some participants, both made at the conference and fixed ones.

Materials are published in the author's edition.