Sector of economics of agro-industrial branches



   Head of the Sector – 

   Gorbatovskiy Alexander.

   Candidate of Economics,

   Тel.: +375 17 355 54 01







1.1. Directions of research:

Study of theoretical and methodological aspects of increasing the efficiency of the functioning of Agro-Industrial Complex on an innovative basis (mission 1.04, 2011–2015);

Scientific foundations, factors and conditions for increasing the economic efficiency of crop production, livestock farming and processing of agricultural raw materials (mission 1.11, 2016–2018);

Formation of a multi-level system of criteria and indicators for the effective functioning of agricultural sectors based on forecasting the development of their production potential (mission 1.23, 2019–2020);

Development of a strategic planning system for the balanced development of sectors of Agro-Industrial Complex based on the formation of effective models of interaction between agriculture, manufacturing and trade (mission 7.2.3, 2021–2023);

Development of a system of scientific recommendations and measures to improve the efficiency of functioning of sectors of Agro-Industrial Complex, taking into account the improvement of specialization, location and structure of production, the introduction of innovations, the development of an agricultural service system, ensuring the regulatory return on material and technical resources (mission 1.2, 2011–2013);

Develop a system of scientific recommendations and measures for the sustainable development of sectors of Agro-Industrial Complex in the conditions of innovative development and modernization of enterprises (mission 1.11, 2014–2015)

Development of a system of scientific recommendations and measures for sustainable development of agricultural sectors in the conditions of the formation of a single market of the EAEU (mission 1.4, 2016–2018);

Development of scientific and practical recommendations for increasing the efficiency of food subcomplexes of Agro-Industrial Complex of the Republic of Belarus (mission 1.10, 2019–2020);

Development of a set of scientific and practical recommendations for effectively ensuring food security and competitiveness of agricultural products based on the tools of industry and business planning, quality management, optimization of foreign trade relations (mission 1.13, 2021–2023);


1.2. Research in the framework of additional research::

Scientific and methodological recommendations for the development of balanced programs for the development of agricultural production of Agro-Industrial Complex organizations;

Recommendations for increasing the efficiency of agricultural sectors based on improving their specialization and placement;

Methodological approaches and recommendations for the effective functioning of agricultural markets;

Development of agricultural production based on innovative solutions to achieve food security objectives;

Monitoring the functioning parameters of agricultural sectors at various levels (republic, region, district);

Business plans for innovative projects for agricultural organizations and industrial enterprises with agricultural branches;

Business plan for financial recovery and effective development of agricultural organizations;

Methodological approaches and content of the forecast for the development of agricultural organizations, analysis and planning of their production and economic activities;

Recommendations and measures to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of agricultural production based on improving specialization, concentration and taking into account regional characteristics;

Proposals for improving the mechanism for summing up the results of republican competitions in grain harvesting and feed procurement;

Promising directions for the use of intangible assets in food industry enterprises;

Directions of development and measures to improve the efficiency of raw material zones;

Formation of a risk management system in agricultural organizations of the Republic of Belarus;

Development of a production and sales strategy, directions for the formation and development of effective specialization of agricultural production, justification of the enterprise’s production program for various development scenarios.


1.3. Major developments and publications


2.1. Databases, regulatory documents that the sector works with.

– official websites:

National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus;

Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus;

National Bank of the Republic of Belarus;

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO);

Eurasian Economic Commission.

– laws of the Republic of Belarus and other legal acts regulating activities in the agri-food sector, etc.

2.2. The real sector of economics and science where research is introduced.


Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus; Tolochin district executive committee; RPUE «Ustye» of the NAS of Belarus»; RUE «Belorusneft-Grodnooblnefteprodukt», RUE «Belorusneft-Mogilevoblnefteprodukt» SPA «Belorusneft»; CFUE «Rus-Agro»; Additional office № 203 of the Orsha regional directorate, № 200 in the Vitebsk region OAO «BPS-Sberbank»; OAO «Berezinsky»; ZAO «Bolshie Slaveni»; CFUE «Rus-Agro»; OAO «Tyshkovichi-Agro»; OAO «Management Company of the Holding «Agricultural Plant «Machulishchi»; OAO «Vishnevka-2010»; OAO «AFPC «Zhlobin Meat Processing Plant»; SEC «Snitovo-Agro»; UE «P-S Karpeki»; OAO «Polotsk Dairy Plant»; PUE «Dukora-Agro»; RUE «Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Animal Husbandry»; EI «Belarusian State Economic University»; EI «Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University»; EI «Belarusian State Agricultural Academy»; Scientific Research Center «Bulletin of Science».



3.1. Defended dissertations

Svyatogor Arkady Petrovich

PhD thesis topic: «Economic efficiency and prospects for the development of sugar beet production in Belarus», 1964.

Sinelnikov Mikhail Vladimirovich

PhD thesis topic: «Substantiation of the structure of production in agro-industrial associations of raw materials zones of alcohol factories of the Belarusian SSR», 1976.

Stepanenko Grigory Grigorievich

PhD thesis topic: «Economic justification for the development of the feed supply in farms specializing in beef production (using the example of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic)», 1987.

Sidunova Galina Vladimirovna

PhD thesis topic: «Organizational and economic reserves for increasing the provision of the Republic of Belarus with grain of its own production (on the example of the Vitebsk region)», 1997.

Gorbatovskaya Oksana Nikolaevna

PhD thesis topic: «Mechanism for improving the territorial differentiation of agricultural production in the Republic of Belarus in the context of the development of regional integration,» 2019.

Dovnar Lyudmila Iosifovna

PhD thesis topic: «Development and efficient functioning of the sugar market of the Republic of Belarus», 2020.

Kosova Angelina Leonidovna

PhD thesis topic: «Mechanism for improving the logistics system in Agro-Industrial Complex of Belarus in the context of regional trade and economic integration,» 2021.

Gorbatovsky Alexander Viktorovich

PhD thesis topic: «Economic efficiency of intensification of livestock breeding in modern economic conditions (on the example of agricultural organizations of the Republic of Belarus)», 2022.

Litvinchuk Anna Anatolyevna

PhD thesis topic: «Methodological tools for assessing the competitiveness of regions in the conditions of sustainable socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus», 2022.

Pavlovich Lyudmila Mikhailovna

PhD thesis topic: «Formation of a risk management system in agricultural organizations of the Republic of Belarus», 2023.



3.2. Dissertation research on which work has been and is currently being carried out in the sector

Dissertation topic: «Organizational and economic mechanism for the development of vegetable growing in protected soil» (Shvaratsky Valery Viktorovich, from 2004 to the present; supervisor: Ganush Gennady Iosifovich, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Economics , prof.)

Dissertation topic: «Formation of an effective mechanism for the promotion of agricultural goods to domestic and foreign markets based on a marketing approach» (Svetlana Mikhailovna Mitskevich, from 2015 to the present; supervisor: Natalya Vladimirovna Kireenko, Doctor of Economics, prof.)

Dissertation topic: «Increasing the efficiency of using intangible assets at dairy processing industry enterprises» (Truhanenko Yulia Sergeevna, from 2015 to the present; supervisor: Pilipuk Andrey Vladimirovich, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Economics. sciences, prof.)

Dissertation topic: «Improving the organizational and economic mechanism for the sustainable development of the feed supply of agricultural organizations» (Andrey Gennadievich Loban, from 2021 to the present; supervisor: Oksana Nikolaevna Gorbatovskaya, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor)