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Conferences. Forums. Round tables

Since 1996, on the basis of the Institute, at least twice a year, international scientific and practical conferences have been held on the issues of sustainable development of agriculture, international integration in the agricultural sector, food security, business development in the agricultural sector, etc. The initiators of the holding are the Department of Agricultural Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Institute of System Researches in Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

The conferences are attended by representatives of research organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Poland, the Eurasian Economic Commission and other foreign organizations, as well as the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus, higher educational institutions and other organizations and departments of the country.

From 1996 to the present, the following international scientific and practical conferences have been organized and held:

1996 – International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Institute «Agroeconomic policy of the late XX century: current situation and strategy in the future» (December 18–19, 1996);

1998 – International Scientific and Practical Conference «Economic problems of Agro-Industrial Complex» (October 15-16, 1998);

2000 – International Scientific and Practical Conference «Lessons of agrarian reforms and prospects for the development of the agricultural economy» (June 1–3, 2000);

2002 – International Scientific and Practical Conference «Reforming Agro-Industrial Complex: problems and ways to solve them» (June 12–14, 2002);

2004 – V International Scientific and Practical Conference «State regulation and market development of Agro-Industrial Complex» (May 26–28, 2004);

2006 – VI International Scientific and Practical Conference «Problems and Prospects of Agro-Industrial Complex in the Context of the Rural Revival and Development Program» (September 28-29, 2006);

2008 – VII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Current problems of sustainable development of agriculture» (September 17-18, 2008);

2010 – VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Development of the Agroindustrial Complex in the Context of Food Security» (September 9–10, 2010);

2012 – The IX International Scientific and Practical Conference «Sustainable development of agriculture of Belarus in new conditions» (September 20, 2012);

2014 – The X International Scientific and Practical Conference «Agroindustrial Complex of Belarus: the newest challenges to regional and international integration» (September 4–5, 2014);

2016 – First All-Belarusian Forum on Food Security (October 12, 2016);

2016 – The XI International Scientific and Practical Conference «Business development in agrarian sector of the economy of the Republic of Belarus» (October 13–14, 2016);

2018 – The XII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Current problems of sustainable development of Agro-Industrial Complex», (October 11–12, 2018);

2020 – The XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Ensuring the quality of Agro-Industrial Complex products in the conditions of regional and international integration», (October 15–16, 2020).

2021 – The XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference «Increasing the efficiency of large-scale production and entrepreneurship in the new economic conditions», (October 14–15, 2021).

2022 – The XV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Competitiveness and efficiency of Agro-Industrial Complex within the context of optimizing material, technical and financial support", (October 13–14, 2022).

2023 – Republican seminar "Social and labor relations in the agro-industrial complex: modernization mechanisms" (April 20, 2023)

2023 – Republican scientific and practical seminar "Ensuring the quality and safety of agricultural products" (May 25, 2023)

2023 – Round table «Food Security of the Republic of Belarus: New Challenges and Opportunities», dedicated to World Food Day (October 18, 2023)

2024 – Round table "Development of the agricultural products and food distribution mechanism in modern conditions" (February 28, 2024)

2024 – Round table « Formation and development of smart systems in agricultural theory and practice» (April 18, 2024)

2024 – Round table “Economic potential of efficient and sustainable animal husbandry in the Republic of Belarus”, (June 12, 2024)

2024 – The XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Economic independence of the agro-industrial complex in new conditions" (October 17–18, 2024)

2024 – Republican Seminar “Issues of Investments to Ensure Sustainable Innovative Development” (November 28, 2024)