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Innovative projects

Module 1S «Trade Union of Education and Science of Belarus»

Scientific and technical description of the project: the project is designed for the comprehensive automation of accounting and professional support of specialists in its formation in primary trade union organizations of the education and science system through remote access of the web client to the database of the technological platform "1S: Enterprise 8.3" using the developed 1S module "Trade Union of Education and Science of Belarus".

Cattle Potential

Scientific and technical description of the project: the project is being implemented to disseminate the developed algorithms for determining and quantifying reserves for growth in cattle productivity based on the cost of resources, genetic potential with optimization of animal feeding rations, and is presented on the basis of a software and analytical complex (SAC) with a mobile version.

Educational platform "Kolosok"

Scientific and technical description of the project: the project is being implemented to provide a service to improve the level of knowledge in the agricultural sector among various categories of citizens and specialists through the developed game model and learning algorithms based on the created educational platform "Kolosok" (mobile educational online platform).