Cooperation Sector



   Head of the Sector – 

   Rusakovich Alexander

   Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.

   Тel.: +375 17 364 61 05




1.1. Directions of research

  • Assessment of operational efficiency and development of strategies for the development of cooperative-integrated structures in Agro-Industrial Complex.
  • Development of organizational and economic mechanisms and models of cooperation in Agro-Industrial Complex.
  • Scientific support for the creation and functioning of agro-industrial clusters.
  • Development of scientific and practical recommendations to improve the efficiency of interaction between agricultural enterprises.

1.2. Major developments and publications



2.1. Databases, regulatory documents that the sector works with.

1. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus.

2. Statistical services of the CIS countries, EAEU and other foreign countries.

3. Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus.

4. Data from annual reports of agricultural organizations.

5. National strategy for sustainable development of the Republic of Belarus for the period until 2035.

6. Program of socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus for 2021–2025.

7. State program «Agricultural Business» for 2021–2025.

8. Regulatory and legal framework of the Republic of Belarus and foreign countries governing the creation and functioning of cooperative-integrated structures 

2.2. The real sector of the economy and educational institutions where research is introduced.

Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus, Educational Institution «Belarusian State Economic University», Educational Institution «Belarusian State Agricultural Academy», Educational Institution «Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University», ООО «Technopark «Polesie», ОАО «Agricultural Complex «Skidelskiy», ОАО «Gamma Vkusa»

2.3. Business trips

Regional and district executive committees, agricultural and processing organizations, including those included in cooperative-integrated structures.



3.1. Defended dissertations

Lenskaya T. I.

PhD thesis topic: «Organizational and economic factors for increasing the competitiveness of products», 2012.

Zapolskiy M. I.

Doctorate thesis topic: «Development of agro-industrial integration in the conditions of the emergence of a market economy (using the example of product subcomplexes)», 2014.

Gusakov E. V.

PhD thesis topic: «Scientific foundations and organizational and economic mechanism for the effective functioning of cooperative and integration associations in the agro-industrial complex,» 2015.

Doctorate thesis topic: «Theory and methodology of creating and ensuring the effective functioning of cluster structures in Agro-Industrial Complex,» 2022.

Nazarova M. S.

PhD thesis topic: «Improving marketing strategy in integrated agro-industrial formations (using the example of the meat products subcomplex)», 2017.

Rybalko Yu. A.

PhD thesis topic: «Improving economic relations in vertically integrated product companies,» 2018.

3.2. Awards

Gusakov E. V. – Certificate of Honor from the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2019.

Lopatnyuk A. A. – Badge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus.