Department of organization and management
Cooperation Sector
Small Forms Management and Land Relations Sector
Sector of Labor and Social Relations
Management and digitalization sector
Head of the Department –
Candidate of Economics, associate professor.
Тel.: +375 17 300 41 00
Research is conducted on the management system of Agro-Industrial Complex at both macro and micro levels; labor, social, and land relations; cooperative and integrative interactions between economic entities, as well as the development of modern digital technologies in Agro-Industrial Complex.
Head – Doctor of Economics, Professor A. S. Sayganov (2019–2022)
Head – PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor N. A. Bychkov (2011–2018) The department included the following sectors: management (headed by S. A. Skoropanov), small forms of management (headed by A. V. Kazakevich); cooperation and integration (headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor M. N. Zapolskiy); land relations (headed by V. N. Gerdiy); privatization (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor N. A. Bychkov). The most important areas of research: studies of patterns, principles and features of the development of organizational and economic structures of Agro-Industrial Complex, management systems in agricultural and other organizations of various organizational and legal forms, theoretical and methodological foundations of state regulation of land and property relations, institutional transformations, development of cooperation, effective functioning of integrated structures, reorganization of unprofitable, insolvent organizations of Agro-Industrial Complex; developed a system of scientific recommendations for improving organizational, economic, property and land relations, cooperation and integration, development of modern forms of agricultural business and mechanisms for their effective functioning. The most significant developments of the department: – methodological recommendations for improving the management system and economic relations between participants in integrated formations of the regional Agro-Industrial Complex; – methodological recommendations for regulating property relations in the process of market transformations of Agro-Industrial Complex; – methodological recommendations for regulating rental relations in the field of large and small agribusiness; – recommendations for creating an integrated formation within the holding company «Agricultural Plant «Machulischi»; – methodological recommendations for the development of economic turnover of land in the field of large and small businesses; – methodological recommendations for the creation and activities of agricultural and consumer cooperatives.
Head – PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor M. N. Antonenko (2011–2014) The department included the following sectors: human resources (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor M. N. Antonenko); labor motivation (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences, A. O. Borisenko), social development of the village (headed by S. V. Pomozov). The most important areas of research: research into the theoretical and methodological foundations for the development of a labor agricultural holding, increasing labor motivation, studying the main directions of state policy to create the necessary conditions for the livelihoods of the rural population; development of a set of scientific recommendations for the formation of labor resources in agricultural enterprises in the conditions of innovative development, a system for generating income for workers of agricultural organizations based on innovative socially oriented development of rural areas and a set of scientific recommendations for improving the social sphere of the village in the context of ensuring sustainable development of rural areas. The most significant developments of the department: - methodological recommendations for generating income for managers and specialists, livestock and crop workers, taking into account labor productivity and sources of their payment; - methodological recommendations for improving the social infrastructure of rural areas; - methodological recommendations for stimulating heads and specialists (managers) depending on the final financial results of agricultural organizations in the new conditions; - methodological recommendations for the integrated development of the social and industrial spheres of the village; - methodological recommendations for establishing the proportional dependence of wages and income of various categories of employees on the results of economic activity of an organization, division, or specific performer; - methodological recommendations for managing the employment of labor resources in labor-scarce and labor-surplus regions; - methodological recommendations for improving the contractual system of remuneration of workers, increasing the dependence of remuneration on the results of economic activities of organizations, its divisions, as well as specific performers; - methodological recommendations on priority areas for the development of the social sphere of rural areas in the new conditions.
Heads – Doctor of Economics, Professor A. S. Sayganov (2002–2011); Doctor of Economics, Professor B. M. Shapiro (1994–2002) In 2006–2011 the department included the following sectors: agricultural services (headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor A. S. Sayganov); land relations (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences V. F. Bondarchuk); peasant farms (headed by A. V. Kazakevich); labor motivation (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences N.A. Starovoitova); organization of large-scale production (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences A. P. Takun); privatization (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences N. A. Bychkov); Economics of Processing (headed by PhD in Engineering Sciences F. I. Suboch). In 1994–2005 the department included the following sectors: adaptation of collective and state farms to market infrastructure (headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor B. M. Shapiro); land relations (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences V. F. Bondarchuk); peasant farms (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences V. T. Semashko); logistics and agricultural services (headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor A. S. Sayganov); labor motivation (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences N. A. Starovoitova); privatization (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences N. A. Bychkov); development of Agro-Industrial Complex in extreme conditions (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences N. I. Solovtsov). Key areas of scientific research: development of new effective organizational and production forms and improvement of existing business structures in Agro-Industrial Complex. The most significant developments of the department: – recommendations for reforming the systems of material and technical supply and agricultural services; – methodological recommendations for the development of land circulation in the field of large and small agribusiness; – models of farms of various production areas, recommended for the conditions of the Republic of Belarus; – recommendations for increasing labor motivation and improving the specialization and location of livestock sectors. – recommendations for the dissolution of collective and state farms into market-type economic structures.
Head – Doctor of Economics, Professor B. M. Shapiro (1985–1994) The department included the following sectors: adaptation of collective and state farms to a market economy (headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor B. M. Shapiro); economics of the processing industry (headed by V. A. Arhangelskiy; PhD in Economic Sciences S. I. Baranovsky); personal subsidiary plots and farms (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences V. T. Semashko); agricultural systems (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences P. V. Leshilovskiy); integration and cooperation in Agro-Industrial Complex (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences P. G. Chuholskiy). The most important areas of research: development of organizational and economic measures for the development of enterprises, organizations, personal subsidiary plots of citizens, as well as inter-farm formations; theoretical and methodological substantiation of zonal agricultural systems.
Heads – Doctor of Economics, Professor B. M. Shapiro (1991–1994); PhD in Economic Sciences V. F. Tarasevich (1986–1991) The department included the following sectors: rural social development (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences V. F. Tarasevich); on-farm accounting and remuneration (headed by Doctor of Economics V. V. Efremenko); labor resources and labor productivity (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences A. V. Yalovik); labor organization (headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor B. M. Shapiro). The main directions of scientific research: development of recommendations for the social development of teams based on the approval of the principle of socialist justice, proposals for the introduction of progressive methods of labor organization, improvement of on-farm calculations and remuneration for the rational use of production resources; development of measures to ensure an increase in labor productivity in Agro-Industrial Complex and meet the need for labor resources, as well as proposals to reduce manual labor costs.
Head – Doctor of Economics N. F. Prokopenko (1991–1994); The department included the following sectors: management organizations (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences A. I. Krupich); quality and standards in Agro-Industrial Complex (head headed by PhD in Economic Sciences S. I. Naumik); operational management in Agro-Industrial Complex (headed by PhD in Agricultural Sciences A. A. Matoh); managerial work and social competition in Agro-Industrial Complex (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences N. N. Trusevich); complex research (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences N. I. Solovtsov). Key areas of scientific research: development of proposals for improving organizational management structures, optimal distribution of duties, rights and responsibilities between departments, sectors and specialists, recommendations for organizing operational management; development and improvement of the standardization mechanism, labor and product quality management; development of measures aimed at increasing the sustainability of agricultural production.
Head – PhD in Economic Sciences G. V. Zinkevich (1976–1985). The department included the following sectors: labor organization (headed by B. M. Shapiro); remuneration and on-farm accounting (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences N. A. Starovoitova); labor resources and labor productivity (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences A. V. Yalovik); sociological research (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences V. F. Tarasevich; management organization (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences A. I. Krupich); production planning and procurement of agricultural products (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences V. F. Bondarchuk); organization and planning of accounting (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences A. A. Bulkin); economic analysis (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences G. V. Zinkevich); automated information processing systems (headed by PhD in Economic Sciences V. A. Sonic). The most important areas of scientific research: development of proposals for material incentives for agricultural workers, for the socio-economic reorganization of rural settlements of the BSSR, justification of the optimal sizes of collective and state farms and their on-farm divisions; development of technical specifications for automation of analysis, accounting and reporting systems in agriculture.
Department of Scientific Labor Organization Head – PhD in Economic Sciences V. F. Tarasevich (1970–1975) Directions of research: development of recommendations, guidelines for the implementation of scientific labor organization in collective and state farms of the republic.
Head – PhD in Economic Sciences A. V. Yalovik (1970–1975) The most important areas of scientific research: development of standards for labor costs for the production of crop and livestock products in the regions of the republic, justification of the growth rate of labor productivity for the future.
Head – PhD in Economic Sciences A. A. Rusinov (1963–1969) The main directions of scientific research: development of norms and standards for labor costs per unit of production and head of livestock.
Head – PhD in Economic Sciences I. M. Kachuro (1957–1969) Key areas of scientific research: development of proposals for improving wages, principles of economic accounting in collective and state farms of the BSSR.