Property Relations Sector



   Head of the Sector – 

   Bychkov Nikolay,

   Candidate of Economics, associate professor.

   Тel.: +375 17 227 08 80





1.1. Research directions

Development of effective models, mechanisms, tools for regulating property relations in the process of reforming agribusiness organizations.

Improving the mechanism of structural transformations of unprofitable, insolvent agricultural organizations in the context of financial recovery in relation to specific conditions.

Improving the institutional mechanism for the functioning of agribusiness organizations (economic companies, production cooperatives, unitary enterprises, small forms of management).

Tools for regulating property relations (reorganization, sale, lease, trust management, etc.). Valuation of property.

The mechanism of circulation of shares on the exchange and over-the-counter markets, attracting investments.

Study of the features of anti-crisis management of agricultural organizations, regulation of property relations in the procedure of economic insolvency (bankruptcy).

1.2. Research in the framework of additional research

Republican level:

– research work on the topic «Methodological features of budgeting in agricultural organizations in the event of crisis situations» (2022–2024);

1.3. Major developments and publications



2.1. Databases, regulatory documents that the sector works with

1. National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus;

2. State Committee for Property of the Republic of Belarus;

3. Department for Rehabilitation and Bankruptcy of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus;

4. Securities Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus;

5. JSC «Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange»;

6. Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus;

7. Local regulatory legal acts on the regulation of property relations in the context of sector research directions, etc.

2.2. The real sector of the economy and science, where research is implemented

Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus; Gomel Regional Executive Committee; Mogilev Regional Executive Committee; Rossony District Executive Committee; JSC «Prisozhie» of the Slavgorod region; CJSC «Shchara-Agro», Baranovichi region; OJSC «Schomyslitsa» of the Minsk region; JSC «Korotichi» of the Stolinsky district; UE «Druzhbinets» of the Senno district; OJSC «Ostromechevo», Brest region; OAO «Mogilev rayagropromtechnika» of the Mogilev region; JSC «Terebezhov-Agro» of the Stolinsky district; Branch «Klyastitsy-Agro» OJSC «Polotsk Dairy Plant»; LLC «Technopark Polesie»; Educational Establishment «Polesye State University», etc.

2.3. Business trips

Regional and district executive committees, agricultural universities, technology parks, agricultural and manufacturing organizations, etc.



3.1. Defended dissertations

Bychkov Nikolai Alexandrovich

The topic of the PhD thesis: «Organizational and economic foundations of industrial seed production of grain crops in the conditions of inter-farm cooperation (on the example of the BSSR)».

Metlitskiy Valery Nikolaevich

The topic of the Ph.D. thesis: «The mechanism for the development of franchising in Agro-Industrial Complex».

3.2. Awards

Bychkov N. A. – Gratitude of the Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021

Bychkov N. A. – Special badge «Day of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus», 2022

Bychkov N. A. – Honorary diploma of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus, 2023