Head of the Sector –
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.
Tel.: + 375 17 255-51-27, +375 17 278-70-76
1.1. Directions of research
Development of organizational and economic measures to increase productivity and labor motivation; development of scientific and practical recommendations for improving the organization of agricultural labor in the conditions of technical and technological re-equipment of enterprises.
Monitoring and comprehensive assessment of the quality of the personnel potential of Agro-Industrial Complex; scientific support for the training of specialists for Agro-Industrial Complex; substantiation of theoretical and methodological approaches, scientific and practical measures (mechanisms, models, algorithms, proposals) to strengthen and increase the labor potential of Agro-Industrial Complex, improve the theoretical foundations of labor economics, and the theory of labor value.
Study of the sustainable development of rural areas, modern social, engineering and transport infrastructure, providing state social standards of quality of life, creating comfortable conditions for life and living of citizens in the countryside.
1.2. Research in the framework of additional research:
International level:
– Project of international technical assistance ТCP/BYE/3703/C2 «Support for the evaluation of the development policy of rural areas and rural communities» of the Cooperation Framework of the Republic of Belarus and FAO for 2017–2020 according to the Priority 3. Sustainable agriculture and rural development (2019–2021).
Republican level:
– Research work «Conducting personnel diagnostics and identifying a potentially excessive (insufficient) number of personnel of OAO «Belsolod» under contract № 8 from 30.08.2022.
– Research work «Development of scientific approaches and a strategic plan for the development of effective specialization, its organizational and economic support in the «Klyastitsy-Agro» Branch of OAO «Polotsk Dairy Plant» of Rossony District» under contract № 01 from 30.03.2022.
– Research work «Development of a scientifically based system of efficient competitive production of crop and livestock products in the Municipal Agricultural Unitary Enterprise «Berezovets» of the Gantsevichi district of the Brest region for 2020–2028» under contract № 5 dated 10.21.2019.
– Research work «Scientific approaches to develop a strategy for the development and increase of the competitiveness of crop and livestock industries in CFUE «Rus-Agro» for 2020–2028» under contract № 6/608 from 21.10.2019
– Research work «Develop and implement a program of structural changes in SEC «Molodovo», including changes in social, labor and property relations» under contract № 21 from November 01, 2016, concluded with the Unitary Enterprise «Molodovo-Agro».
- Research work «Economic justification and scientific support for the project of creating the holding «Agrokombinat «Skidelsky» under contract № 68 from May 20, 2010, concluded with OAO «Grodnokhleboprodukt».
– Research work «Formation of the agricultural labor market in the context of technical and technological modernization and socio-economic integration» under the agreement with BRFFR № Г18У-002 from May 30, 2018 (№ ГР 20181680).
– Research work «Theoretical foundations of the program-target method for the development of rural areas of the Republic of Belarus» under the agreement with the BRFFR № Г21-062 dated July 1, 2021 (№ ГР 20213445).
1.3. Major developments and publications
2.1. Databases, regulatory documents that the sector works with.»
- National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus.
- Statistical services of the CIS countries, the EAEU and other foreign countries.
- Statistical database of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAOSTAT.
- Statistical base of the International Labor Organization (ILOSTAT).
- Statistical bases of regions on labor and employment.
- Data from annual reports of agricultural organizations.
2.2. The real sector of the economy and educational institutions where research has been introduced.
Ministry of Agriculture and Food Republic Belarus, Departments for labor and social protection of districts, regional and district executive committees and committees (departments) for agriculture and food, etc.
OAO «Belsolod», MAUE «Polymir-Agro», Rossony District Executive Committee, OAO «Goretskaya Ryagropromtekhnika», OAO «Berezinsky», ZAO «Bolshie Slaveni», OAO «Otor», SEC «Kolkhoz named after Suvorov», SEC «Molodovo», UE «Molodovo-Agro», etc.
EE «Belarusian State Agricultural Academy», EE «Belarusian State Economic University», SEE «Grodno Regional Institute for the Development of Education», Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Agricultural Personnel of EE «BGATU».
2.3. Business trips
Regional and district executive committees, agricultural universities, agricultural and manufacturing organizations, etc.
3.1. Protected dissertations
Khodas A. K. – subject «Agricultural labor market and employment management mechanism», 2004
Pashkevich O. A. – subject «Formation of an effective personnel management system in agricultural organizations (on the example of the Brest region) », 2009
Lyovkina V. O. – subject «Improving the efficiency of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing labor resources in agricultural organizations (on the example of the Mogilev region)», 2018
3.2. Awards
Pashkevich O. A. – Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Belarus to talented young scientists for 2013 (Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 17, 2012 № 265рп «On the appointment of a scholarship of the President of the Republic of Belarus to talented young scientists for 2013»).
Antonenko M. N. – Gratitude of the Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for many years of fruitful scientific activity in the development and implementation of scientific recommendations and proposals for increasing labor productivity in the agricultural sector (Order of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus from September 26, 2016 № 181-к).
The team of authors of the sector of labor and social relations, consisting of the head of the sector, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Pashkevich Olga Alexandrovna, leading researcher, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Antonenko Mikhail Nikolaevich, leading researcher, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Lyovkina Victoria Olegovna were awarded honorary diplomas of the Federation of Trade Unions Prize in the field of labor in 2023 for scientific developments to stimulate the employment of labor resources, increase the motivation of agricultural labor in the context of technical and technological re-equipment, and improve the social infrastructure of the village.
The scientific achievements of the team of authors were also awarded with diplomas of the Belarusian professional community of educators and scientists in 2023.
3.3. Internships, participation in projects
2014–2015 Internship at Carl Linnaeus University, School of Technology, Department of Information Systems, Växjö, Sweden.
2015 Project «Strengthening the national capacity in the field of promoting women's entrepreneurship in rural areas based on the foreign experience» with the support of UNESCO (№ 7290115044 BYE).
2015 International Business Academy with the support of the Ministry of Commerce, Beijing, China. Course for developing countries «Management of commercial enterprises».
2016 CISAP course «Project management and results-oriented management», National School of Administration, Paris, France.
2017 International training course «Promoting sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas: policy, planning, innovation», Kibbutz Shefayim, Israel.
2018 International Seminar «Chinese Experience – Social System and Public Policy», Qingdao, Shandong Province, People's Republic of China.
2019 6th Training Course and High-Level Seminar on Promoting the Concept of the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Program (GIAHS), FAO, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the PRC, People's Republic of China.
2019 Annual short-term international training course «Promoting income growth and food security through diversified agricultural practices using integrated systems and participatory approaches», Thailand International Cooperation Agency, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
3.4. Advanced training
English language courses on the basis of the State Enterprise «The Institute of System Researches in Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus» (2010–2012, 2021, 2022).
Educational program to prepare for the IELTS international exam at the Minsk State Linguistic University (2017–2018).
Training Workshop on Gender in Livestock, FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, Budapest, Hungary (2019).
Regional Workshop on Integrated Development of Rural Communities, FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, Budapest, Hungary (2019).
Second Regional Workshop on Integrated Development of Rural Communities, FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, Budapest, Hungary (2022).