Information Department

Head of the Department – Savchenko Tatjyana.

Тel.: +375 17 248 31 46

Provides informational, computer, and software support to scientific divisions, administers the local network and the institute's website, maintains the website in up-to-date condition in Russian, Belarusian and English, ensures information security, publishes, prints, and distributes scientific literature, places publications in the RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index) database, takes an active role in the preparation and conduct of conferences, meetings, and seminars, and handles the registration and processing of inquiries from citizens and legal entities.



Dataware Sector

Head of the Sector – Artyushevskаja Natalya

Тel.: +375 17 379 01 35

Information, computer and software support for the research of scientific departments of the Institute; development and filling with content the website of the Institute in Russian, Belarusian and English, handles the registration and processing of inquiries from citizens and legal entities, ensures information security.


Editorial and Publishing Sector

Head of the Sector – Bykova Elena.

Тel.: +375 17 375 37 90

Publishes scientific, popular science, production-practical, regulatory production-practical, reference, and advertising publications.


Sector of Instant Printing

Head of the Sector – Zelenkevich Ekaterina.

Тel.: +375 17 342 07 42

Performs a range of printing works and services.