Personal information:
Surname Saiganov
Name Anatoly
Patronumic Semyonovich
Сitizenship Republic of Belarus
Place of work The Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus
Position Main researcher
Phone +375 17 357 82 63
Academic degree and title:
Doctor of Economics, professor
Expert areas:
Agro-service economy; creation of modern machinery and technological stations and the formation of a developed network of mechanized units at agro-service enterprises of agroindustrial complex at a district level.
Provision and rational use of labor force at the enterprises of the State Committee for Agricultural Machinery: dis. ... Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.05. – Minsk, 1985.
Formation of an effective market system of production and technical maintenance of agriculture in Belarus: dis. ... Doctor of Economic Sciences: 08.00.05. – Minsk, 2004.
The questionnaire of the scientist:
1. Electronic catalog of the National Library of Belarus
2. Belarus Agricultural Library
3. Russian Science Citation Index 'Science Index'
Inner publications:
Scientific principles of development regulation of agro-industrial complex: offers and realization mechanisms 2024
Food Security of the Republic of Belarus: New Challenges and Opportunities: materials of the round table (Minsk, October 18, 2023)
Economic potential of efficient and sustainable animal husbandry in the Republic of Belarus: abstracts of round table reports (Minsk, June 12, 2024)
Increasing the efficiency of Agro-Industrial Complex regulation system in new conditions: questions of theory and methodology
XV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Competitiveness and efficiency of Agro-Industrial Complex within the context of optimizing material, technical and financial support", (October 13–14, 2022)
Scientific principles of development regulation of agro-industrial complex: offers and realization mechanisms
Improving organizational and economic management mechanisms in Agro-Industrial Complex: questions of theory and methodology
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 51
Increasing the efficiency of large-scale production and entrepreneurship in the new economic conditions: materials of the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Institute of System Researches
Formation of effective organizational and economic relations in Agro-Industrial Complex: questions of theory and methodology
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 50
Scientific principles of development regulation of agro-industrial complex: offers and realization mechanisms
Mechanism for the effective functioning of small consumer agricultural cooperatives
Scientific principles of development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex: offers and realization mechanisms
Improvement directions of organizational and economic relations in the agri-food sphere of the Republic of Belarus: issues of theory and methodology
Improvement mechanisms of organizational and economic relations and management in agriculture
Ensuring the quality of agricultural products in the context of regional and international integration: materials of the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference, Minsk, October 15–16, 2020
Scientific principles of development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex: offers and realization mechanisms
Promising directions of modern development of Agroindustrial Complex: theory and methodology questions
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus Cross sectoral subject collection
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 47
Scientific principles of development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex: offers and realization mechanisms
Mechanisms of effective development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex in modern conditions: questions of the theory and methodology
Recommendations on work motivation increase, improvement specialisation and livestock industries placement
Short biography and bibliography of scientific works of A.S. Sayganov: to the 70th anniversary since birth and to the 40th an
Competitive ability of food industry enterprises of Belarus in the conditions of the Eurasian Economic Union creation
Formation scientific offers of negotiation position of the Republic of Belarus at accession to WTO in the sphere of price su
Mechanisms improvement of the food market functioning of the Union State of Belarus and Russia
Scientific principles of development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex: offers and realization mechanisms
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection.
Modern problems of efficiency increase of functioning of Agroindustrial Complex: theory and methodology questions
Methodical recommendations about creation and agricultural consumer cooperatives activity
Formation and development of the regional grain market
Competitiveness increase of combine harvesters at agricultural mechanical engineering enterprises of the Republic of Belarus
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus.
Present problems of sustainable development of Agroindustrial Complex: theory questions and methodology
Recommendations about creation of the integrated formation as a part of holding 'Agrokombinat 'Machulishchi'
Scientific principles of development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex: offers and realization mechanisms
Methodical recommendations about system improvement of agroservice of agricultural producers in the conditions of innovative
Methodical recommendations about balanced development strategy of agricultural raw materials and food markets on the innovat
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus.
Organizational-economic mechanism of unprofitable, insolvent agricultural organizations reforming
Methodical recommendations on organizational-economic mechanism balance formation of the national food market in the condit
Methodical recommendations on economic turn development of lands in the sphere of large and small agrobusiness
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus.
Food security of the Republic of Belarus. Monitoring-2014: in the context of development balance of the food markets
Customs Union: realization of export potential of Agroindustrial Complex
Development o Agroindustrial Complex: new challenges and possible solutions
Methodical recommendations about proportional dependence of labour expense compensation and income of various categories from
Methodical recommendations about effective formation and stable functioning of the regional grocery markets taking into accou
Economic problems of innovative development of Agroindustrial Complex in recent times: theory and methodology problems
Efficiency of organizational and institutional transformations of Agroindustrial complex: state, problems, recommendations
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus
Means of economic efficiency increase of Agroindustrial Complex development of the Republic of Belarus.
Short biographic essay and A.S. Sajganov’s bibliography of scientific works
Сompetitiveness increase of grainproductiv subcomplex of Belarus
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus.
Economic problems of efficiency increase of functioning of Agroindustrial Complex in new conditions: theory questions and me
Scientific principles of development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex: offers and control mechanisms
Customs Union: raw materials and food markets
Improving the efficiency of the system of production and technical services for agriculture
Development of bioorganic agriculture
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus.
Global problems and stability of national food security
Actual problems of efficiency increase of milk production in the agricultural organizations of Brest area
Balanced market formation of agricultural raw materials and food (in the context of world food conjuncture).
Regulation of property relations in the course of market transformations of Agroindustrial Complex
Methodical recommendations on standard maintenance perfection of quality and security of agricultural production
The Agroindustrial Complex development in the Food Security context (the materials of the VIII International Research ...
Aspects of theory and practice of innovative development of agricultural processing enterprises
Reorganization of the enterprises of Agroindustrial complex: theory, methodology, practice
Methodical recommendations about decrease in the cost price of manufacture of agricultural production and reduction of materia
Methodological bases of document flow and the reporting in the agricultural organizations of Belarus
Economic problems of the market system of economic management in agriculture: theory and methodology
The strategy of the competitiveness of dairy industry in Belarus: theory, methodology, and practice
Organizational-economic creation mechanism and functioning of agroservice formations on a cooperative basis
The improvement of market system in agrofood sphere. Theory, methodology, practice
Output competitiveness and food security. Theoretical aspects and practicalities
Methodical recommendations on realization of goods manufactured cost of cattle breeding to specified level
Theory and methodology of cost management in agricultural organizations of Belarus
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus. Interdepartmental subject collection. Issue 38
Recommendations on effectiveness of store-cattle raising in agricultural organizations in Brest region
Scientific principles of development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex: offers and control mechanisms
Guidelines for improving the efficiency of agrochemical services for agricultural organizations and practical aspects