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Personal information:

Surname                                    Rusakovich

Name                                          Alexander

Patronumic                                Nikolaevich

Сitizenship                                 Republic of Belarus

Place of work                             The Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus                             

Position                                      Head of Cooperation Sector

Phone                                        +375 17 364 61 05

Academic degree and title

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor.                                         

Expert areas:

Issues of formation and development of the material and technical base of agriculture;

Activation of investment and innovative development in the agricultural sector of the economy;

Improvement of agrarian cooperative-integrated structures, including the creation of clusters;

Assessment of the effectiveness of functioning and development of strategies for the development of agricultural business entities.


Formation and development of the material and technical base of agriculture in Belarus: dis. ...  Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.05. – Minsk, 2022.

Link to the author’s abstract (in Russian):

The questionnaire of the scientist:

1. Electronic catalog of the National Library of Belarus             

2. Russian Science Citation Index 'Science Index​'      

Inner publications:


Scientific principles of development regulation of agro-industrial complex: offers and realization mechanisms 2024

Food Security of the Republic of Belarus: New Challenges and Opportunities: materials of the round table (Minsk, October 18, 2023)

Increasing the efficiency of Agro-Industrial Complex regulation system in new conditions: questions of theory and methodology


Economic issues of the development of agriculture in Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 51.

Competitiveness and efficiency of Agro-Industrial Complex in the context of optimizing logistics and financial support: materials of the XV International Scientific and Practical Conference, Minsk, 13–14 Oct. 2022

Scientific principles of development regulation of agro-industrial complex: offers and realization mechanisms

Improving organizational and economic management mechanisms in Agro-Industrial Complex: questions of theory and methodology


Problems and prospects for the development of competition in the markets of food and agricultural products of the EAEU in the context of digitalization and the influence of global trends: monograph: in 2 parts. Part 1

Problems and prospects for the development of competition in the markets of food and agricultural products of the EAEU in the context of digitalization and the influence of global trends. In 2 p. Part 2: Proposals for the development of competition in food markets in the EAEU

Economic issues of the development of agriculture in Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Release 50.

Formation of effective organizational and economic relations in Agro-Industrial Complex: questions of theory and methodology.

Scientific principles for regulating the development of Agro-Industrial Complex: proposals and mechanisms for implementation.

Increasing the efficiency of large-scale production and entrepreneurship in the new economic conditions: materials of the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference, Minsk, 14–15 Oct. 2021


Economic issues of the development of agriculture in Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 49.

Directions for improving organizational and economic relations in the agro-food sector of the Republic of Belarus: questions of theory and methodology.

Scientific principles for regulating the development of Agro-Industrial Complex: proposals and mechanisms for implementation.

Ensuring the quality of agricultural products in the context of regional and international integration: materials of the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference, Minsk, 15–16 Oct. 2020


Economic issues of the development of agriculture in Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 48.

Perspective directions of modern development of Agro-Industrial Complex: questions of theory and methodology.

Scientific principles for regulating the development of Agro-Industrial Complex: proposals and mechanisms for implementation.


Mechanisms for effective regulation of the development of Agro-Industrial Complex in modern conditions: questions of theory and methodology.

Scientific principles for regulating the development of Agro-Industrial Complex: proposals and mechanisms for implementation.


Theory and practice of increasing the investment attractiveness of agriculture in the Republic of Belarus.

Economic issues of the development of agriculture in Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 46.

Modern problems of improving the efficiency of the functioning of Agro-Industrial Complex: questions of theory and methodology.

Scientific principles for regulating the development of Agro-Industrial Complex: proposals and mechanisms for implementation.


Modern problems of sustainable development of Agro-Industrial Complex: issues of theory and methodology.

Scientific principles for regulating the development of Agro-Industrial Complex: proposals and mechanisms for implementation.

Economic issues of the development of agriculture in Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 45.


Economic issues of the development of agriculture in Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 44.

Scientific principles for regulating the development of Agro-Industrial Complex: proposals and mechanisms for implementation.

Problems of improving the efficiency of the functioning of Agro-Industrial Complex: questions of theory and methodology.