
  • development of proposals for improving measures and mechanisms to ensure food security of the Republic of Belarus, the Union State, the Eurasian Economic Union, the CIS;

  • development and justification of comprehensive strategies, programs and forecasts, investment projects and development business plans for enterprises, integrated associations, regions, and Agro-Industrial Complex sectors;

  • monitoring of food security (national, regional, global levels), research and development of mechanisms for the formation and functioning of balanced markets for agricultural products, raw materials, and food;

  • development of recommendations to improve the economic efficiency of large-scale production, competitiveness of Agro-Industrial Complex products in domestic and foreign markets;

  • research of factors and development of models for the comprehensive sustainable development of rural areas;

  • justification of mechanisms for reforming production and land-property relations, improving the efficiency of forms and methods of cooperation, formation and development of scientific-production clusters in Agro-Industrial Complex;

  • improvement of the organizational-economic mechanism of management, methods and tools of state regulation, development of directions for institutional transformations in Agro-Industrial Complex;

  • development of a system of measures and recommendations for improving and scientifically supporting foreign economic activity in the agrarian sector, justification of forecasts, measures and tools to increase the efficiency of exports and import substitution in Agro-Industrial Complex sectors;

  • improvement of methods and mechanisms of systematic quality management, assurance and control of agri-food product safety;

  • proposals for strengthening human resource potential, increasing the efficiency of its use, motivation and labor stimulation.