Rastorguev Pyotr Vladislavovich
Surname Rastorguev
Name Pyotr
Patronumic Vladislavovich
Сitizenship Republic of Belarus
Place of work The Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus
Position Deputy Director for Research and Innovative Work
Phone: +375 17 374 40 27
Academic degree and title:
Candidate of Economics, Associate professor
Expert areas:
Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of agricultural quality management methods; development of quality management mechanisms in agriculture, strategies for improving the products quality
Organizational and economic bases for increasing flax products: dissertation: dis. ... Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.05. – Minsk, 1999.
The questionnaire of the scientist:
1. Electronic catalog of the National Library of Belarus
3.Russian Science Citation Index 'Science Index'
Inner publications:
The system of measures for the development of the market of vegetable seeds of the Republic of Belarus, taking into account self-sufficiency and export potential
Food Security. Monitoring – 2022
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 51
Food Security. Monitoring – 2021
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 50
Economic regulation of sustainable development of agricultural sector of Belarus
Scientific and methodical recommendations for quality control of agricultural products
Food security monitoring – 2020: in the context of the impact of global trends
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus Cross sectoral subject collection
Food security monitoring – 2019
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 47
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection.
Food Security of the Republic of Belarus. Monitoring-2016: social and economic aspects
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus.
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus.
Organizational-economic mechanism of unprofitable, insolvent agricultural organizations reforming
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus.
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus
Food security of the Republic of Belarus. Monitoring – 2012.
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus.
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus.
Economic problems of the market system of economic management in agriculture: theory and methodology
Sectoral regulations. Cultivation of long-fibred flax. Standard techniques and procedures