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Rastorguev Pyotr Vladislavovich

Personal information:

Surname                                      Rastorguev  

Name                                            Pyotr

Patronumic                                  Vladislavovich

Сitizenship                                   Republic of Belarus

Place of work                              The Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus                             

Position                                        Deputy Director for Research and Innovative Work   

Phone:                                          +375 17 374 40 27 

Academic degree and title:

Candidate of Economics, Associate professor 

Expert areas:

Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of agricultural quality management methods; development of quality management mechanisms in agriculture, strategies for improving the  products quality

Organizational and economic bases for increasing flax products: dissertation: dis. ... Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.05. – Minsk, 1999.

The questionnaire of the scientist:

1. Electronic catalog of the National Library of Belarus

2. Google Academy

3.Russian Science Citation Index 'Science Index'

Inner publications:


Scientific principles of development regulation of agro-industrial complex: offers and realization mechanisms 2024

Increasing the efficiency of Agro-Industrial Complex regulation system in new conditions: questions of theory and methodology


The system of measures for the development of the market of vegetable seeds of the Republic of Belarus, taking into account self-sufficiency and export potential

Food Security. Monitoring – 2022

Scientific principles of development regulation of agro-industrial complex: offers and realization mechanisms

Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 51

Analysis of the functioning of end-to-end quality management tools for agri-food products in the Republic of Belarus

Improving organizational and economic management mechanisms in Agro-Industrial Complex: questions of theory and methodology

Trends in the development of the quality and safety regulation system for agri-food products in the European Union


Food Security. Monitoring – 2021

Scientific principles of development regulation of agro-industrial complex: offers and realization mechanisms

The XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference «Increasing the efficiency of large-scale production and entrepreneurship in the new economic conditions», 2021

Formation of effective organizational and economic relations in Agro-Industrial Complex: questions of theory and methodology

Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 50

Problems and prospects for the competition development in the food and agricultural products markets of the EAEU in the context of digitalization and the influence of global trends. In 2 parts, Part 1: Trends of the food markets development in the concept of global value chains

Problems and prospects for the development of competition in the markets of food and agricultural products of the EAEU in the context of digitalization and the influence of global trends. In 2 p. Part 2: Proposals for the development of competition in food markets in the EAEU


Scientific principles of development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex: offers and realization mechanisms

Improvement directions of organizational and economic relations in the agri-food sphere of the Republic of Belarus: issues of theory and methodology

The XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Ensuring the quality of Agro-Industrial Complex products in the conditions of regional and international integration», 2020

Economic regulation of sustainable development of agricultural sector of Belarus

Scientific and methodical recommendations for quality control of agricultural products

National agri-food system of the Republic of Belarus: methodology and practice of competitive development

Food security monitoring – 2020: in the context of the impact of global trends


Scientific principles of development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex: offers and realization mechanisms 

Promising directions of modern development of Agroindustrial Complex: theory and methodology questions

Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus Cross sectoral subject collection 

Food security monitoring – 2019


Recommendations about efficiency assessment of the mechanism of product quality control of Agroindustrial Complex in the conditions of integration processes development

Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 47

Scientific principles of development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex: offers and realization mechanisms

Mechanisms of effective development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex in modern conditions: questions of the theory and methodology

Food security of the Republic of Belarus in the conditions of the international and regional integration development. Monitoring-2018


The XII International Scientific and Practical Conference «Current problems of sustainable development of Agro-Industrial Complex», 2018

Scientific principles of development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex: offers and realization mechanisms

Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection.

Modern problems of efficiency increase of functioning of Agroindustrial Complex: theory and methodology questions


Food Security of the Republic of Belarus. Monitoring-2016: social and economic aspects

Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus.

Present problems of sustainable development of Agroindustrial Complex: theory questions and methodology

Recommendations for increasing the efficiency of rapeseed production based on improving the specialization, structure and location of production, assessing the potential of regions suitable for efficient production of livestock products ...

The XI International Scientific and Practical Conference «Business development in agrarian sector of the economy of the Republic of Belarus», 2016

Scientific principles of development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex: offers and realization mechanisms


Methodical recommendations about system formation of uniform economic quality indicators of agricultural production and read

Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus.

Organizational-economic mechanism of unprofitable, insolvent agricultural organizations reforming


The X International Scientific and Practical Conference «Agroindustrial Complex of Belarus: the newest challenges to regional and international integration», 2014

Range of measures on ensuring quality of agricultural production in the conditions of integration of the Republic of Belarus

Scientific principles of development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex: offers and realization mechanisms

Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus.

Food security of the Republic of Belarus. Monitoring-2014: in the context of development balance of the food markets


Recommendations about the mechanism of economic stimulation of quality and safety of agricultural production taking into acco

Economic problems of innovative development of Agroindustrial Complex in recent times: theory and methodology problems

Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus

Methodical recommendations and measures for efficiency increase and production competitiveness and milk processing

Scientific principles of development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex: offers and realization mechanisms


Methodical recommendations on the formation of the monitoring system of agricultural production quality and security taking i

Food security of the Republic of Belarus. Monitoring – 2012.

Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus.

Economic problems of efficiency increase of functioning of Agroindustrial Complex in new conditions: theory questions and me

Scientific principles of development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex: offers and control mechanisms


Methodical recommendations on the increase of functioning efficiency and competitiveness of a grainproductive subcomplex on t

Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus.

Balanced market formation of agricultural raw materials and food (in the context of world food conjuncture).

Methodical recommendations on standard maintenance perfection of quality and security of agricultural production


Methodical recommendations of complex system of quality assurance and agricultural products security under present-day ...

Economic problems of the market system of economic management in agriculture: theory and methodology

Scientific principles of development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex: offers and realization mechanisms


Methodical recommendations on improvement of legal ground work of quality control concerning agricultural products

Scientific principles of development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex: offers and control mechanisms

Sectoral regulations. Cultivation of long-fibred flax. Standard techniques and procedures

Methodical recommendations on improvement of legal ground work of quality control concerning agricultural products