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Publications 2019
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1. Recommendations about efficiency assessment of the mechanism of product quality control of Agroindustrial Complex in the conditions of integration processes development
2. Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 47
3. Scientific principles of development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex: offers and realization mechanisms
4. Mechanisms of effective development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex in modern conditions: questions of the theory and methodology
5. Sustainable development of a regional agrofood complex: theory, methodology, practice
6. Recommendations on work motivation increase, improvement specialisation and livestock industries placement
7.Food security of the Republic of Belarus in the conditions of the international and regional integration development. Monitoring-2018
8. Mechanism for improving the territorial differentiation of agricultural production in the Republic of Belarus in the context of the development of regional integration
9. Meсhanism of balanced development of foreign trade in agrofood products of Belarus within EEU