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10. Recommendations for increasing the efficiency of rapeseed production based on improving the specialization, structure and location of production, assessing the potential of regions suitable for efficient production of livestock products ...


 Recommendations about   production efficiency increase of rape seeds  on the basis of  specialization improvement, structure and placement of production according to the capacity of the suitable regions for effective production of livestock production on diversification of the enterprises of processing industry production of Agroindustrial Complex 

Material is examined and approved in a panel session of the Scientific Council of The Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus and recommended for publication (Protocol № 16 of October, 27, 2016), in a panel session of  livestock production section of scientific and technical council of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus (Protocol № 1 of January 9, 2017)


Authors: M.I. Zapolskiy, Ya.N. Brechko, S.V. Makrak, A.A. Golovach, E.V. Sednev, N.M. Cheplyanskaya, A.V. Gorbatovskiy, G.V. Sidunova, O.N. Gorbatovskaya, V.V. Shvaratsky, A.V. Pilipuk, F.I. Suboch, L.A. Lopatnyuk, V.A. Durovich, Yu.S. Truhanenko, I.V. Kolesnyov, A.N. Sharenko, Yu.A. Rybalko (the Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus), N.A. Sonich (Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus), M.V. Bazylev, E.A. Levkin (Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine)


Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences I.V. Brylo, Candidates of Economics, associate professors A.P. Takun, S.A. Kondratenko, P.V. Rastorguev



Recommendations about   production efficiency increase of rape seeds  on the basis of  specialization improvement, structure and placement of production according to the capacity of the suitable regions for effective production of livestock production on diversification of the enterprises of processing industry production of Agroindustrial Complex / M.I. Zapolsky [etc.]; ed. M.I. Zapolskiy. – Minsk: The  Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus, 2017. – 59 p.

ISBN 978-985-6972-99-0.                      


The book is intended for heads and specialists of the Agroindustrial Complex organizations, governing bodies of different levels, research associates, postgraduate students.