9. Сompetitiveness increase of grainproductiv subcomplex of Belarus
Shpak, A.P.
Сompetitiveness increase of grainproductiv subcomplex of Belarus / A.P. Shpak, A.V. Pilipuk, V.V. Talajko. Minsk: The Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus, 2013. 167 p. ISBN 978-985-6972-19-8.
The researches of economic aspects of production and grain processing in the Republic of Belarus are presented in the monograph, tendencies of development of the domestic and world market are considered, major factors and conditions of competitive capacity increase of the enterprises of the grain processing industry are allocated, the technique of synergetic effects assessment of integration is offered and recommendations about grainproductive cluster formation on the basis of the enterprises of processing industry of Department for Bread Products are made.
This book is intended for heads and specialists of the organizations of processing industry, state bodies, the staff of research institutes, teachers and students of educational institutions of the agricultural profile.
The material is examined and approved in a panel session of the Scientific Council of The State Enterprise The Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus and recommended for publication (Protocol of January, 22nd, 2013, № 2).
Authors: A.P. Shpak, A.V. Pilipuk, V.V. Talajko
Reviewers: Doctor of Economics, professor A.S. Sajganov, Candidate of Technical Sciences F.I. Suboch