12. Actual problems of efficiency increase of milk production in the agricultural organizations of Brest area
Under the editorship of the academician, Doctor of Economics, professor V.G. Gusakov,
Authors: A.S. Sajganov, V.I. Belskij, Ya.N. Brechko, A.V. Mikulich, V.F. Bondarchuk, E.V. Sednev, S.V. Makrak, D.I. Meleschenya, N.M. Cheplyanskaya, T.N. Lukashevich (The Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus)V.M. Zajchuk, E.I. Tishko, V.V. Matsukevich (Committee on agriculture and food of the Brest regional executive committee)
Reviewers: Doctor of Economics, professor A.P. Shpak
Candidate of Economics, associate professor Yu.N. Selyukov
Actual problems of efficiency increase of milk production in the agricultural organizations of Brest area / А.S. Sajganov [others], ed. by V.F. Gusakov. Minsk: The Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus, 2012. 167 p.
ISBN 978-985-6925-96-5.
The dynamics of dairy cattle breeding development in the agricultural organizations of the Brest area is considered in the book, the comparative analysis of formation of factors effective milk production is stated, the efficiency assessment of use of fodder resources is carried out by its production, comparative efficiency of crops cultivation on the fodder purposes is shown, scientific recommendations about creation of highly productive pastures and haymakings are presented, the production program of receiving milk on the Brest area is proved, the rating assessment of the agricultural organizations on conditions of construction of new dairy complexes is executed, and also scientifically reasonable recommendations about improvement of work incentives of the workers occupied in dairy cattle breeding are developed.
The book is intended for heads and specialists of governing bodies of Agroindustrial Complex, the agricultural organizations, research associates, graduate students, teachers and students of educational institutions of an agrarian profile.