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15.Regulation of property relations in the course of market transformations of Agroindustrial Complex


Regulation of property relations in the course of market transformations of Agroindustrial Complex / N.А. Bychkov [etc.], ed. by V.F. Gusakov. Minsk: The Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2012. 294 p. ISBN 978-985-6925-91-0.


The monograph contains the complex of theoretical and methodological questions of regulation of property relations in the course of creation and development of market infrastructure. Modern lines of change of a role of the state in land-property relations, forms and models of restructuring of enterprises, basic directions of perfection of the mechanism of a state regulation of property reorganization and restructuring of the organizations of the agricultural sector are investigated.

The classification of ways of integration of the enterprises as property complexes is given, the work of reorganized and sold enterprises, the restructuring of debts in the course of market reorganization are analyzed, offers on perfection of the mechanism of reorganization and financial improvement with participation of foreign investors (integrators) are worked out, the mechanism of transformation of SPK in the Open Society is evaluated.

It is intended for heads and experts of organizations of the agricultural sector, investors, research assistants, teachers and students of educational institutions.


The materials are examined and approved in a panel session of the Scientific Council of The State Enterprise The Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus and recommended for publication (Protocol of 11 November 2010 № 19)

Under the editorship of the academician V.G. Gusakova



N.А. Bychkov (chap. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), M.V. Neskrebina (chap. 3, appendixes), N.I. Javorovich (chap. 1, 4), I.S. Haletsky (chap. 3), V.N. Metlitsky (chap. 1, 3) (the State Enterprise The Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus ), V.Ya. Krasovsky (Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus)



Doctor of Economics, professor A.S. Sajganov

Candidate of Economics A.P. Takun