15. Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus. Interdepartmental subject collection. Issue 38
V.G. Gusakov
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus. Interdepartmental subject collection. Issue 38 /
The results of the scientific research concerning the problems of organizational and economical transformation in the Agroindustrial Complex, overcoming the crisis situation, increase of the productive potential and efficiency of its utilization, improvement of the economical mechanism on the stage of transition to market relations are presented in this book.
It is oriented for scientific researchers, postgraduate students, farm managers and specialists, teachers of the agricultural universities and colleges
The results of the scientific research concerning the problems of organizational and economical transformation in the Agroindustrial Complex, overcoming the crisis situation, increase of the productive potential and efficiency of its utilization, improvement of the economical mechanism on the stage of transition to market relations are presented in this book.
It is oriented for scientific researchers, postgraduate students, farm managers and specialists, teachers of the agricultural universities and colleges