Pilipuk Andrey Vladimirovich
Personal information:
Surname Pilipuk
Name Andrei
Patronumic Vladimirovich
Сitizenship Republic of Belarus
Place of work The Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus
Position Director
Phone: +375 17 351 09 60
Fax: +375 17 373 52 61
Academic degree and title:
Doctor of Economics, professor
Expert areas:
Management and organization of agricultural and food production, economics of the food industry, branded trade, theory and methodology of cluster development of Agro-Industrial Complex and competitive functioning of industry markets.
Organization and functioning of firm trade in agro-industrial products: dis. … Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.05 – Minsk, 2007.
Organizational and economic mechanism of the competitive functioning of the food industry in Belarus (in the context of building the Eurasian Economic Union): dis. ... Doctor of Economic Sciences: 08.00.05. – Minsk, 2018.
The questionnaire of the scientist:
1. Electronic catalog of the National Library of Belarus
2. Belarus Agricultural Library
5. Russian Science Citation Index 'Science Index'
Inner publications:
The system of measures for the development of the market of vegetable seeds of the Republic of Belarus, taking into account self-sufficiency and export potential
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 51
Fundamental and applied research of the agro-industrial complex economy at the present stage
Problems and prospects for the development of competition in the markets of food and agricultural products of the EAEU in the context of digitalization and the influence of global trends : in 2 parts. Part 1. Trends of the food markets development in the concept of global value chains
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection
Economic regulation of sustainable development of agricultural sector of Belarus
Food security monitoring – 2020: in the context of the impact of global trends
Economic issues of agricultural development of Belarus Cross sectoral subject collection
Food Security Monitoring ‒ 2019: socio-economic conditions
Organizational-economic mechanism of unprofitable, insolvent agricultural organizations reforming
Recommendations about the rent relations regulation in the sphere of large and small agrobusiness
Сompetitiveness increase of grainproductiv subcomplex of Belarus
The organization of firm trading-marketing systems in agriculture of Belarus
The strategy of the competitiveness of dairy industry in Belarus: theory, methodology, and practice
- Monthly scientific journal "Agrarian economics" 2024 №4
- Monthly scientific journal "Agrarian economics" 2023 №10
- Monthly scientific journal "Agrarian economics" 2023 №7
- Monthly scientific journal "Agrarian economics" 2022 №6
- Monthly scientific journal "Agrarian economics" 2020 №11
- Monthly scientific journal "Agrarian economics" 2020 №8
- Monthly scientific journal "Agrarian economics" 2020 №6
- Monthly scientific journal "Agrarian economics" 2018 №3
- Monthly scientific journal "Agrarian economics" 2018 №2
- Monthly scientific journal "Agrarian economics" 2017 №9
- Monthly scientific journal "Agrarian economics" 2017 №8
- Monthly scientific journal "Agrarian economics" 2017 №2
- Monthly scientific journal "Agrarian economics" 2016 №12
- Monthly scientific journal "Agrarian economics" 2016 №9
- Monthly scientific journal "Agrarian economics" 2016 №7
- Monthly scientific journal "Agrarian economics" 2016 №5
- Monthly scientific journal "Agrarian economics" 2014 №9
- Monthly scientific journal "Agrarian economics" 2014 №2