5. Scientific principles of development regulation of agro-industrial complex: offers and realization mechanisms 2024
УДК 338.436.33(476)
EDN: https://elibrary.ru/MOAHVQ
Systematized and presented the results obtained in the course of missions 1.12 «Develop a system of scientific recommendations to ensure the financial and investment sustainability of Agro-Industrial Complex» and 1.13 «Develop a set of scientific and practical recommendations for the effective provision of food security and competitiveness of Agro-Industrial Complex products based on industry and business planning tools, quality management, optimization of foreign trade relations» and 1.14 «Develop a set of scientific recommendations and a system of measures for the balanced functioning of the regional Agro-Industrial Complex» of the State Scientific and Technical Program «Innovative agro-industrial and food technologies», 2021–2025, subprogram «Agro-Industrial Complex – innovative development».
The research results are examined and approved in a panel session of the Scientific Council of The State Scientific Unitary Enterprise «The Institute of System Researches in Agro-Industrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus» (Order of September 5, 2023, 57-osn).
The book is intended for heads and specialists of Agro-Industrial Complex management bodies, agricultural and processing enterprises, researchers, graduate students, teachers and students of agroeconomic specialties.