12. Food security monitoring – 2020: in the context of the impact of global trends
UDC 338.439.053 (476 + 100)
Food security monitoring – 2020: in the context of the impact of global trends / V. G. Gusakov [et al.]. – Minsk : The Institute of System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus, 2021. – 241 p. – ISBN 978-985-7149-74-2.
The monitoring was carried out according to the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus «About the Doctrine of National Food Security of the Republic of Belarus until 2030» from December 15, 2017 № 962. The results of assessing the impact of global trends on the national food security are presented. Factors of physical, economic accessibility and quality of food and agricultural raw materials in the domestic market are identified. Directions for preventing threats and solving urgent problems within the framework of a comprehensive plan for the implementation of the Doctrine are outlined.
The material was approved and recommended for publication in a panel session of the Scientific Council of the Republican Scientific Unitary Enterprise «The Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus» (Protocol № 18 of September 14, 2021).
V. G. Gusakov, A. V. Pilipuk, G. V. Gusakov, P. V. Rastorguev, S. A. Kondratenko, N. V. Karpovich, I. V. Gusakova, Y. N. Brechko, I. G. Pochtovaya, S. V. Makrak, L. T. Yonchik, L. A. Lobanova, E. P. Makutsenya, O. V. Svistun, E. A. Rastorgueva, N. M. Cheplyanskaya, I. N. Kokhnovich
G. I. Ganush, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Economics, Professor
V. V. Puzikov, Doctor of Economics, Professor