3. Scientific principles of development regulation of Agroindustrial Complex: offers and realization mechanisms
The main research results carried out within the framework of the State Scientific and Technical Program «Agroindustrial Complex-2020» of the subprogram «Agroindustrial Complex - efficiency and quality» for 2020 are presented. Methodological, scientific and practical recommendations, mechanisms, models and proposals are presented, the implementation of which is aimed at improving organizational, economic, social and labor relations in the sphere of Agroindustrial Complex in order to increase the industry efficiency and ensure a high level of competitiveness of agrofood products of the Republic of Belarus.
The research results are examined and approved in a panel session of the Scientific Council of The State Scientific Unitary Enterprise «The Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus» (Oder of August 25th, 2020, № 45-OSN), adopted by the interdepartmental commission on the acceptance of the results of the State Scientific and Technical Program appointed by order of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus dated December 2, 2020 № 293.
The book is intended for heads and specialists of Agroindustrial Complex management bodies, agricultural and processing enterprises, researchers, graduate students, teachers and students of agroeconomic specialties.