Agrarian Economics, № 9, 2014
Rural economics
Yury Sialiukou, Vitali Chabatul
Investment management in agricultural sector of Belarus: theoretical aspects, P. 210
Summary: In the article the results of the research clarified and justified conceptual (categorical apparatus of investment management) as an economic category: levels, principles, goal, objectives, functions, phases and economic essence.
Petr Rastorgouev, Iryna Pashtovaya
Modern aspects of price setting on domestic agricultural products taking into account quality level, P. 1117
Summary: Analysis of the system of economic motivation of the quality of agricultural products in the Republic of Belarus, the dynamics of the price formation taking into account quality level as well as deficiencies which lead to reduced effectiveness of the assurance system to the production of goods with a high level of consumer and technological properties, and also competitive on the domestic and internal markets are reflected in the article.
Lyudmila Verokha
Methodical aspects of the assessment of risks in the food sector of the Republic of Belarus, P. 1824
Summary: In the article the main groups and types of risks in functioning of the separate grocery markets of the Republic of Belarus, the reasons, factors and conditions of their emergence in the food sphere are considered. The assessment of the grocery markets position in the riskstability context is given, the main methods of the manage the current and perspective risks are given. The necessity of introduction the risk management in practice of enterprise structures functioning production is proved.
Andrei Pilipuk, Valiantsina Durovich
Sustainability of development of Belarusian food industries, P. 2529
Problems of branches of Agroindustrial Complex
Natalia Trigub
Methodological approaches to the justification of the perspective optimization models of improving production efficiency of dairy products based on the growth of its competitiveness, P. 3035
Summary: The article presents the optimization models of improving production efficiency of dairy products based on the growth of its competitiveness. Their application allows the most efficient use of available raw materials of processing plants. We have identified that using these models helps to increase the profitability of products and its competitiveness.
Ruslan Sheiko, Elena Janovich, Ol'ga Grishanova, Anton Burnos, Natal'ja Zajceva
Efficiency of pork production with beef breeds of pigs of different genotypes, P. 3641
Summary: Found that most of the indicators of meat productivity were the best combinations of animals (BKB BM) D and (BCB BM) A Danish and German selection.
Use of high boars meat genotypes Danish, German, Canadian and Norwegian breeding has led to improved profitability of pork 16,99,2 p.p. total economic effect this amounted to 3670.1 thousand rubles.
Natallia Markusenka, Tamara Hermanovich
Evaluating the economic efficiency of sugar beet production in Belarus, P. 4249
Summary: The article describes the prevailing trends in the world in production of sugar beet, analyzed efficiency indicators of production in the Republic of Belarus. In the absence of objective prerequisites for growth in purchase prices for sugar beet in the global sugar overproduction and to maintain the profitability of these cultures, suggests the directions of its lower cost.
Leonid Stepuk, Eduard Dyba, Aleksandr Lenski
Assessment of economic efficiency of the MPVU-16 car for inside - soil introduction of liquid manure, P. 5055
Summary: Results of a comparative economic assessment of efficiency of application of various ways of introduction of liquid manure are presented in article. During carrying out calculations it is established that use of the modern MPVU-16 car which is carrying out at the same time a complex of works, provides annual economic effect of 155558,8 thousand rubles. The payback period of full capital investments makes 2,38 years, and the size of the limit price of the considered car exceeds balance by 1,8 times (598750,2 thousand rubles against 336143 thousand rubles). The obtained data testify to economic validity of use of the MPVU-16 car and expediency of application of perspective technology of introduction of liquid manure.
Foreign experience
Ruslan Lavrov
Bank instruments of financial calculations of agrarian economic subjects, P. 5660
Summary: Preconditions and principles of international trade payments are highlighted in detail in the article. The specificity of application of bank guarantees and letters of credit at service of agrarian sphere subjects is investigated. The essence of the concepts bank guarantee and reserve letter of credit is explained, main types of these tools and features of their use for the purpose of additional maintenance of performance of external economic contracts obligations are described. Monitoring of existing threats in financial market is carried out. The expediency of introduction of bank guarantees and letters of credit in economic practice of agro-industrial structures is confirmed. Methods of the solution of scientific problems are proposed.
Rural infrastructure development
Boris Panshin, Natalya Pashkevich, Aqeel Alkhalidy
The Principles and Approaches to the Formation of Organizational-Economic Mechanism for Sustainable Development of Agroecotourism in Belarus, P. 6169
Summary: The article investigates the actual directions of tourist clusters formation in Belarus and the creation of organizational-economic mechanism of regional clusters interaction management to increase the efficiency and sustainability of rural areas of the country.
Reference information
New editions in the fund of the Belarus agricultural library of I.S. Lupinovich (I. Fomina), P. 7072