Rural economics
Stanislav BUBEN, Mariya BAIHOT
Agreed Agricultural Policy of the Eurasian Economic Union: results and prospects. P. 3–9
The article presents the results of integration in the agro-industrial sphere of the Eurasian Economic Union and assesses the impact of the decisions taken on the agro-industrial complex. Promising areas of interstate cooperation in this area are proposed taking into account the regulatory framework of the Eurasian Economic Union.
Keywords: Eurasian Economic Union, regional integration, agriculture, common agricultural market, sensitive agricultural products.
Risks of the world market: causes, scope and control algorithm. P. 10–19
The article discloses the concept of risks of the global market, provides their classification, defines the scope and causes of occurrence, proposes a management algorithm. It has been established, that in the world market, exporters, in addition to risks, must take into account foreign trade barriers, which, to a greater extent, determine the possibilities of country and geographical diversification of export supplies.
Keywords: risks, barriers, global market, foreign trade, export potential.
The mechanism and conditions for the formation of agricultural holdings in the agricultural sector of Belarus. P. 20–28
The article discusses modern approaches to the creation and development of large integrated companies in the agro-industrial sector, the main factors of competition in the global food market are dumped. The mechanism of creating a holding with state participation in the confectionery industry is presented, the main stages of organizational transformations and the centralization of management functions are identified. A functional model for managing the development of the confectionery grow based on the integration approach, which will create the necessary conditions for activating the industry policy, forming the necessary strategic competencies at the level of the management companies of the holding association, building modern corporate business management models.
Keywords: food industry, confectionery industry, integration, management, centralization, corporate model, efficiency, competition.
A promising model of the functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism of cluster associations in the Agroindustrial Complex. P. 29–35
In the course of research, a model of the functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism of cluster associations in the agro-industrial complex was developed. To implement the model in practice, the set of necessary organizational tools was determined. It has been established that in order to create favorable conditions for the clustering process and the functioning of the organizational and economic mechanism of cluster structures, a number of institutional decisions are necessary: the decision of the cluster structure itself for the organization, the decision of the authorities, the decision of legal structures, etc. These decisions are important for the cluster to acquire the required quality of development. At the same time, we formulated the key functions of the organizational and economic mechanism of the cluster in the agro-industrial complex, and also identified the basic tools of the organizational and economic mechanism of the functioning of the cluster in the AIC.
Keywords: clustering, cluster, AIC, organizational and economic mechanism, internal and external factors, decisions and tools for effective functioning.
The role and place of holding structures in the agricultural sector of Belarus. P. 36–42
The article attempts to determine the role of holding-type structures in the economy of the Republic of Belarus and, in particular, in the field of agricultural business. The composition of the participants in the associations is analyzed. The potential advantages of holding structures in comparison with other entities are identified. Some legislative aspects in the field of creation and functioning of holding-type structures are considered. The dynamics of the gross indicators of the associations in question was studied, on the basis of which their contribution to the country's economy was determined. The analysis of the profitability of sales of holding structures in comparison with the national average was carried out. The main reasons for the low efficiency of agricultural holdings are identified. The trends of integration processes in the Vitebsk region are analyzed.
Keywords: holding, integration, integration structure, efficiency, agribusiness.
Theoretical and methodological approaches to assessing the balance of income distribution between participants in the food chain. P. 43–54
The article presents the results of studies of theoretical principles, scientific concepts about the essential content of balanced pricing and income distribution between the agribusiness sectors. Violations in the distribution of income between the agroindustrial sectors in the Republic of Belarus have been identified, and directions have been proposed for the formation of a mechanism for the efficient distribution of income in the food chain through regulation of price relations, price, food chain, price imbalances, optimization of price relations, agricultural industry.
Problems of Agroindustrial Complex industries
Economic efficiency of off-line differentiated application of mineral fertilizers using management zones. P 55–66
The article considers the issues of improving the methodology of on-farm land management and the economic efficiency assessment of the off-line differentiated application of mineral fertilizers using management zones when implementing the precision farming system was carried out using the example of the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Educational and Experimental Farm of BSAA”. The volume of investments during the implementation of the investment project for the introduction of differential fertilizer application will be from 30804.68 BYN up to 33373.50 BYN depending on the cost of purchased equipment, while the payback period of investments will be 3.2 years, the internal rate of return is 9.8%, and the modified internal rate of return is 9.9%.
Keywords: management zones, differential application, fertilizers, economic efficiency, investments.
Economic efficiency of application of herbicides in the cultivation of sugar beet technology. P 67–72
The article provides information on the effectiveness of the use of herbicides in sugar beet crops. The frequency and rate of application of herbicides, the use of tank mixtures of herbicides and adjuvants were evaluated. The economic feasibility of the joint use of betanal group herbicides with soil herbicides in the Republic of Belarus has been confirmed.
Keywords: sugar beet, herbicide, adjuvant, pot mix, productivity, economic efficiency.