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Agrarian Economics, № 8, 2014


Rural economics


Sergey Konstantinov

National economic approach to assess the effectiveness of the activities of the organizations. P. 26

Summary: The article gives a definition of effectiveness, which should be differentiated, depending on the units of measure (cash or in-kind) of the numerator and denominator of the formula for economic, technical and feasibility. In a social market economy is to use as the target of net value added. The main overall in this case are: economic efficiency profitability on net value added, Techno-economic efficiency in agriculture production of net value added per hectare of agricultural land.


Zinaida Ilyina, Svetlana Kondratenko, Stanislav Buben

Competitive stability subjects of the domestic food market. P. 726

Summary: Results of research of theoretical and methodical aspects of an assessment of competitive stability of subjects of the domestic food market are presented.

The methodology of an assessment of competitive stability of subjects of domestic market which provides the differentiated criteria for producers of agricultural raw materials and the processing enterprises is proved, allows to characterize them from positions of efficiency and stability of deliveries of production on the internal and external markets and to consolidate their innovative strategy of development.

Competitive advantages of the republic in the foreign grocery markets and the markets of the international regional integration formation the Customs union and the Common economic space are defined, potential threats of safety are revealed.


Fadej Suboch

Cluster institutional space: aspects of the theory and practice. P. 2742


Vasilina Akhramovich

The methodical approaches to the estimation of agrifood export potential. P. 4350

Summary: The methodical approaches to the estimation of agrifood export potential are produced in the article. It includes complex of indicators characterizing the export state and identifying the opportunities for the participation of the national agribusiness in the international division of labor.


Andrei Barysenka

The establishment of the employee compensation depending on the activity results of the organization. P. 5157

Summary: The realization of the motivation system of agriculture employee work should be based on the principle of the full interest in work results of all collective members and each separate worker. The proportional dependence of the labour worker contribution to the financial and economic results of the agricultural enterprises activity is considered. The specifications of the deductions depending on the net profit size for the expert and employee compensation on the work results during a year are offered.


Problems of branches of Agroindustrial Complex


Sergei Osnovin, Valery Ageychik, Larisa Osnovina, Maria Nazarova

Device for separating foreign matter from stem feed. P. 5862

Summary: As a result of use of the invention increases the effectiveness of the Department of foreign matter from the stem of the feed.


Foreign experience



Tatyana Lisovaya

Methods to increase of the economic efficiency of production in enterprises of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. P. 6370

Summary: The main objective of the company is to maximum of efficiency. However, in modern conditions the greatest part of the enterprises unprofitable in the Crimea, and others have low yields and profitability.

The milk of production is declining in the Crimea now. The basic amount of milk are produce in personal farms. In the dairy farming is not enough the own funds for the development and the credit are very expensive. Finding ways to increase of milk production for the expanded reproduction of the industry and improving the economic performance of the dairy sub-sector remains important.

The dairy farming are demand the significant changes. It's necessary to develop the most effective approaches to increase the economic efficiency of milk production in the Crimea.


Reference information


New editions in the fund of the Belarus agricultural library of I.S. Lupinovich (I. Fomina). P. 7172