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Rural economics



Study of the levers and mechanisms that form the potential for innovative development of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. P. 323


The Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

e-mail: agrecinst@mail.belpak.by


УДК 33.330.3:330.5




Structural changes in the industries of the Republic of Belarus in the post-crisis period and the efficiency of transfer reforms. P. 2433


Belarus State Economic University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

e-mail: metelskyi.d308@gmail.com


Improving the structure of the economic activity of all sectors of the economy is undoubtedly closely related to the industrial policy pursued by the state in technological fields. The transformations that have taken place directly affect the structural changes, which are expressed in the expansion of the share of industries with higher labor productivity and less energy-intensive products.

Keywords: The efficiency of the transfer transformation, structural industry shifts, services sector, agriculture, manufacturing industry, labor productivity, income level, gross value added, profit, return on sales, the level of technological industries, digitalization, the economic growth, gross domestic product.


УДК 631.162:658.14


Hennadzy Lych1, Vitaly Chabatul1, Anna Bashko1, Marharita Papinova2


Agricultural lending: problems and solutions. P. 3444


1 The Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

e-mail: agrecinst@mail.belpak.by

2 OJSC holding Management company Minsk motor plant, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

e-mail: severita80@mail.ru


The current state of lending to agricultural production in Belarus, including in relation to the main production, economic and financial indicators of the functioning of agricultural producers, is analyzed. The main problems of the sphere of crediting of domestic agriculture are revealed. Given that the low efficiency of lending to the agricultural sector is largely due to shortcomings in the field of investment activity, the key directions of its improvement are shown. The creation of agricultural credit cooperatives in the agricultural sector of Belarus, which have proven themselves in the practice of economically developed countries, is proposed as an important direction of reducing the cost of borrowed capital.

Keywords: bank loans, agriculture, credit debt, production and economic and financial indicators, economic efficiency, investment in the agricultural sector, agricultural credit cooperative.


УДК 339.564:631.145:338.43.02




Reserves for increasing sustainability and algorithm of export-oriented cluster policy of the agro-industrial complex. P. 4549


The Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

e-mail: ego-6@mail.ru


The stated theoretical positions are adapted to real practice, in particular, when implementing the export-oriented cluster policy of the agro-industrial complex. To this end, the main criteria for the export-oriented policy were determined and an approximate algorithm was developed for implementing such a policy in the country's agro-industrial complex. In this context, a scientific definition of export-oriented cluster policy was given, a goal and tasks were identified, criteria for the sustainable development of the AIC were established, identifications of vertical and horizontal clusters were proposed, ways to stimulate the formation of export-oriented cluster initiatives were identified, a set of measures aimed at the development of export-oriented clusters was proposed, the stages and order of creation export-oriented clusters were established. Keywords: AIC, cluster, export-oriented cluster policy, cluster initiative.


УДК 338.439.5.01




Transformation of theoretical approaches to the development of a market economy and food market. P. 5056


Belarusian State Economic University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

e-mail: apklarisa@mail.ru


The article summarizes the main approaches of the market development in general and the food market in particular where approaches are also grouped according to selected criteria. The interdisciplinary approach was used for theoretical and methodological justification concepts of sustainable development of the food market.

Keywords: food market, economics of neoclassical synthesis, sustainable development, green economy, green growth, organic farming.


УДК 338.43:519.24


Olga BUDKO, Veronika MIHALIK


Classification of districts of the Grodno region by the efficiency of grain production. P. 5763


Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Grodno, Republic of Belarus

e-mail: budko_on@mail.ru


With the use of an integral indicator of the efficiency of grain production by agricultural organizations of the Grodno region in 20152017 homogeneous groups of districts (clusters) were formed. The average values of indicators (integral and initial) in clusters are analyzed. A system of 9 performance indicators was used. The basis of the study was the method of k-means cluster analysis, implemented in the package Statistica. The reliability of differences in the mean values of the integral indicator in the clusters was checked by the Scheffe criterion.

Keywords: grain production, performance indicators, integral indicator, rating, classification, the method of the principal components of factor analysis, the method of k-means of cluster analysis.



Problems of Agroindustrial Complex industries


УДК 631.821(476)


Pyotr TIVO1, Nikolay SOLOVTSOV2, Anatoliy LOPATNYUK2, Lyudmila LOPATNYUK3


Impact assessment of agrochemical melioration on efficiency increase of unproductive sour soils. P. 6472


1 The Institute of Melioration of NAS of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

e-mail: niimel@mail.ru

2 The Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

e-mail: agrecinst@mail.belpak.by

3 Belarusian State Agrotechnical University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

e-mail: timteremok@mail.ru


The influence of agrochemical melioration on efficiency increase of unproductive sour soils and productivity of various crops is considered. It is shown that optimum рН levels on peat soils are much lower than on mineral ones. It is caused with various acidity nature. In the first case it is defined by a hydrogen ion, and in the second hydrogen and even more harmful aluminum. Data on existence of the drained peat soils on groups of acidity in the conditions of the republic are provided. Recommendations about efficiency increase of lime application of unproductive sour soils are made.

Keywords: agrochemical reclamation, acid soils, liming, fertilizer doses, efficiency.