Agrarian Economics, № 6, 2014
Rural economics
Fadej Suboch
Cluster agro-industrial structures in spatially localized food system of SES and EurAsEC. P. 217
Zinaida Ilyina, Svetlana Kondratenko, Liliya Yonchyk
The reducing of food losses and waste in the context of food security. P. 1824
Summary: The research results of food losses and waste are presented in the article. Aссording to domestic enterprises the assessment of losses volumes of raw materials and the ready food at stages of production, processing and storage, the analysis of the reasons causing expense are carried out. Reduction methods of losses volumes and waste are offered.
Andrey Gribov
Specificity of functioning of agricultural organizations, growers and fattening cattle. P. 2529
Summary: One of the major components of domestic agriculture is meat subcomplex ensuring food security of the country, providing employment, supplying it with meat and meat products. The purpose of this sub-mobilizing its own resources to increase the income of its member institutions by addressing the needs of the domestic food market in meat and meat products, as well as increased exports of meat products competitive.
Using 2012 data to group companies engaged in growing and fattening cattle. As grouping characteristics used income (loss) per 1 goal. Output per 100 hectares of farmland, average daily gain.
A comparison of the performance of livestock enterprises, using different production technologies raising and fattening cattle.
Problems of branches of Agroindustrial Complex
Alexander Golovach
Some theoretical and practical aspects of production intensification of bean grain cultures in the Republic of Belarus. P. 3046
Ivan Vorobyeu, Elena Sidorova
Formation agricultural-timber structures as the direction of sustainable economic development. P. 4751
Summary: In this article authors raise a pressing question of forming of regional agricultural- timber companies with the purpose of more effective use of resource potential of Belarus and on this basis of steady development of economy of the Republic of Belarus.
Foreign experience
Petr Maydanevich
Integrated approach to the use of the Chart of accounts. P. 5256
Summary: The functionality of the structuring of accounts of business entities was analyzed in the article, which will aggregate data management account at all stages of the production cycle. The principle of classification of accounts and the inability to determine the financial results on the basis of existing onecircle system were grounded. The characteristic for Ukraine approaches to creating a chart of accounts based on the stage of the circulation of capital were researched. The integrated construction principle -based accounting data storage management accounting in special registers and complement their financial records to display in the financial account balance, and speed - in the management of commercial confidentiality were considered. The foreign experience constructing nomenclature accounts based doublecircle system was researched. The directions of reforming the structure of the chart of accounts for the storage of all business operations of the enterprise was determinated. The necessity for expanding the range of accounts management accounting was analyzed. The necessity of reforming the chart of accounts to make it meet the needs of management and management accounting at all levels and the need to use an object- oriented approach to the organization of an integrated accounting system were grounded.
Michael Dudinskiy
Experience in the development of entrepreneurship in the example of developed countries. P. 5762
Summary: In the article the experience of entrepreneurship development in developed countries, such as Germany, Poland, France, Spain and the United States. The data on employment in foreign countries in the field of small business. Are examples of support to small sector of the economy of the state. Conclusions about the foreign experience of entrepreneurship development.
Xu Dantong
State regulation of agriculture in China: principles and approaches. P. 6370
Summary: The principles of state agriculture regulation of China were investigated, as well as reforming methods of this branch. Particular attention was paid to the legal and financial security of the transforming process. The results of strategies implemented in the agricultural sphere of the PRC were evaluated.
Reference information
New editions in the fund of the Belarus agricultural library of I.S. Lupinovich (I. Fomina). P. 7172