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Aleksei Mikulich

Growth of labour productivity is a factor in increasing the efficiency of production. P. 217

Summary: Results of a research of methods of calculation of a labor productivity on natural and cost indicators at the present stage of economic development of agrarian and industrial complex are stated. Productivity analysis of work on gross output in comparable and in current prices, on value added and on a goods sold is made. The analysis of observance of excess of coefficient of a ratio of growth rates of a labor productivity on value added and on a goods sold and growth rates of the salary and its value for work incentives of workers is carried out.


Oksana Horbatowskaya

Factors and evaluation methods of territorial differentiation agricultural production. P. 1829

Summary: The article describes the main groups of factors shaping territorial differentiation of agricultural production, taking into account modern conditions of managing and openness of regional agriculture to economic cooperation. The proposed system of indicators to measure territorial differentiation of agricultural production factors, the methods of determining differences in the level of specialization and concentration in agriculture and methods for determining the level of differentiation in the development of areas that will allow the complex to identify existing imbalances.


Tatyana Zaprudskaya, Valentina Kaliuk

Preventing risks in agriculture as a factor in the sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex. P. 3038

Summary: The article analyzes the existing definitions of 'risk' and gives its author's interpretation, taking into account the specifics of the agrarian sector, its species diversity is considered and the classification of risks affecting the efficiency of agricultural production is presented. The authors also presented the developed set of measures for risk management in agriculture.


Ala Tsiatsorkina

The analysis of precepts of law of practice of pricing on agriculture production in the Republic of Belarus. P. 3945

Summary: The article presents an analysis of domestic practice of pricing on agriculture production. Based on an assessment of legal base of the republic the most important aspects of price policy of Belarus in the market of agrofood are disclosed. The dominating role of the state in establishment of prices for products of the village is revealed that contradicts the standard norms of pricing and creates additional difficulties for the country within deepening of her integration communications in the world community.


Katsiaryna Khmel

Conceptual approach to economic and ecological optimization of operation of water supply systems of agricultural organizations. P. 4652

Summary: The article proposes a conceptual approach to the economic and environmental optimization of operation of water supply systems of agricultural organizations aimed at ensuring an uninterrupted water supply regime established by the quality standards in the required quantity with minimal costs and taking into account the requirements of rational water consumption and environmental protection. This approach is intended for agricultural organizations that own local water supply systems and allows to reduce the cost of water, increase the efficiency of production and processing of agricultural products, which ultimately will positively affect its competitiveness and food security of the country.


Aliaksei Ostanin

Economic efficiency of sugar beet cultivation technology when using mulch sowing. P. 5359

Summary: The economic estimation of the technology of sowing sugar beet into the oilseed radish and straw mulches is given. Economic efficiency of using minimal soil treatment in cultivating sugar beet is proved.

Applying manure underneath the previous crop is justified with the minimal soil treatment only. Regardless of the method of the basic soil treatment and the kind of mulch, the optimal dose of nitrogen is N90 before sowing.

From the economic point of view applying oilseed radish mulch is inexpedient during ploughing, while during disking oilseed radish mulch is preferable to straw mulch.


Vladimir Kushnir

Intraeconomic operational cost accounting in the production management system at the department of the technical manufactures at meat processing plants. P. 6066

Summary: The notion by-products of meat and fat production is researched and expanded the definition of its essence. It is considered technical raw material from which made the technical manufactures. It is grounded composition of technical products, which are manufactured in modern meat processing plants. Primary documents are indicated and they areused for the calculation of costs and output of production at the department of the technical manufactures. Updated groups of analytical accounts are proposed to account for raw materials and finished products at the department of the technical manufactures. It is researched and improved composition calculation of articles at the department of the technical manufactures.


New editions in the fund of the Belarus agricultural library of I.S. Lupinovich (I. Fomina). P. 6768