Vladimir Gusakov, Alexander Shpak, Nikolay Bychkov, Yury Sialiukou, Lidia Baigot, Zinaida Ilyina, Irina Kazakevich, Alla Tetiorkina, Anatoli Saiganov, Anatoli Takun, Petr Rastorgouev, Mikhail Antonenka, Olga Pashkevich, Tatiana Zaprudskaya, Ludmila Skoropanova, Irina Griboedova, Sergey Chausov
The main directions of Agroindustrial Complex development in modern conditions
Mariya Bajgot, Vasiliy Kazakevich
Formation of the Common Agrarian Market in the foundation of the Eurasian Economic Union
Summary: The article describes the issues of development of integration processes in the agrarian sector of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, as well as the analysis of internal and external trade of Custom Union's Member States. The measures and stages of the formation of the Common Agrarian Market in the foundation of the Eurasian Economic Union are substantiated.
Fadej Suboch
Research of factors and conditions of sustainable competitive development of the processing enterprises of agro-industrial complex in innovative and cluster food system of SES and EurAsEC
Andrey Cheplyansky
Labor supply in agriculture and its factors
Summary: The paper analyzes the problem of constructing a function of labor supply in agriculture of the Republic of Belarus. It is analyzed the main factors affecting employment in the agricultural sector and strength of their influence.
Nikolaj Solovtsov, Anatolij Lopatnyuk, Anatolij Unukovich
Economic assessment of agroecological consequences of land us
Summary: The research results of agricultural production influence on environment are given in the article. The methods of economic assessment of soil fertility and the extent of annual damage from irrational use of land resources are offered. Possibility of use of mineral fertilizers taking into account agroecological consequences of this reception and level of efficiency of arable lands is considered.
Petro Melnik, Tatyana Yehorova
Concepts of ecological and economic management in agroecosystem
Summary: Methodical approaches of transition to ecological and economical management of agricultural production are revealed in this article. The concepts of ecological, economic and social development of agro-ecosystem are described here. Isolated and characterized the main stages, which are a set of organizational, economic, environmental and social components, principles of selection of personnel necessary for economic activity. It should be noted that their interconnection and interdependence form institutional organization basis, analysis, motivation, planning of management decisions according to the use, reproduction, and conservation of natural resources in environmental agroecosystems. Submitted stages allow to facilitate the development and implementation of resource-saving technologies in agricultural production, reduce environmental pollution and preserve agricultural landscapes, environmental management.
New editions in the fund of the Belarus agricultural library of I.S. Lupinovich (I. Fomina).
Exhibition activities of the Belarus agricultural library of I.S. Lupinovich in 2014 (М. Vazhnik)
Service to science (to Eduard Aleksandrovich Petrovich's 75 anniversary) (P. Saskevich, A. Tsyganov, A. Chechetkin, M. Freydin)