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Larysa Dulevich

System of indicators of innovative development of the Republic Of Belarus

Summary: The analysis of the financing and implementation in production of innovative developments in Belarus. Using the Innovation Union Scoreboard and a comparison of the results of functioning of the national innovation system and related structures of European countries. Revealed the country's leaders as a result of the introduction of innovations. The factors of innovation activity and to propose measures aimed at improving it.


Fadej Suboch, Sergej Poznyak

Integration of transformation in the institutional space of food system of EAEU


Gennadij Lych, Nikolaj Artjushevsky

Processing of agricultural products as a factor of farms economic development


Anatoli Saiganov

Actual problems of improving the efficiency of production and maintenance of agricultural producers

Summary: The article presents the current trends increase the efficiency of production and maintenance of agricultural producers, including the quality of manufacturing and maintenance of domestic agricultural machinery, improvement of economic relations in the field of agro-service services provided to agricultural producers, the development of the secondary market of agricultural machinery and equipment, as well as improving the system of leasing of agricultural machinery.


Sergey Osnovin, Natalia Malthevish, Larisa Osnovina

Basic steps of management process рисками is component part of general process of planning of organization

Summary: This article lists the basic steps of risk management as an integral part of the ongoing process of phased implementation of an organization facing this structure problems.


Oleg Kazakov

Constructing of an integrated profile of an enterprise of the greenhouse complex as a tool of strategic analysis of its energy efficiency

Summary: The issues of energy enterprises greenhouse complex of the Gomel region. The author describes a method of constructing an integrated profile of an enterprise of the greenhouse complex. The components of the integrated profile of the greenhouse enterprises productive potential, energy potential, ecological potential. The author provided indicators characterizing each of the potentials and the methods of their calculation and subsequent rating as well. The author provided as well a method for the graphical display of the integrated profile of the enterprise of the greenhouse complex. An example of the construction of the integrated profile of the enterprise of the greenhouse complex of the Gomel region has been given. Conclusions regarding the industrial, energy and ecology efficiency of the enterprise have been made.


Maryna Smoliarova

The mechanism of formation of investment funds in the dairy subcomplex ('Gomel meat and dairy company' as an example)

Summary: In the article the author describes how to create in holding structures centralized funds to accumulate financial resources and invest them in innovative projects within the holding, the model of reconciling the interests of holding participants in determining priorities in the allocation of centralized investments resources.


Sergei Sokol, Igor Zaboronok, Nadezhda Kureychik

Productivity and economic efficiency of using natural fertilizer for growing potatoes on ecological technologies

Summary: Presents the results of the comparison of ecological and intensive (traditional) technologies of growing potatoes on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil in the conditions of the Minsk region. When using ecologically based technology (using natural organic fertilizers) marketable yield compared to conventional (intensive) technology has decreased for grades Lileya 13.8 t/ha (31.4%), Scarb 12.9 t/ha (33,2%), Rahneda 15.4 t/ha (34,2%). The most cost effective natural fertilizer when growing ecological potatoes for the studied varieties recognized vermiculus.



Volodymyr Mamchur, Vitalii Pivtorak

Trends and opportunities of modern farming methods in the agricultural sector Ukraine

Summary: The results of the study of modern institutional trends of major organizational and legal forms of management in the agricultural sector are shown. There are analyzed and proved the basic institutional arrangements of creating an enabling institutional environment of modern business forms. There are defined the contribution of farms in total production of agricultural products and their role in ensuring of food security. World experience of developing family type farming is studied. There are defined the basic criteria for inclusion of economic agents to family farms. There is made scientific substantiation of an expediency of introducing of the new organizational and legal form as family farm by assessing the environmental factors to ensure the effective development of entrepreneurship in rural areas based on construction of multi-model.


Exhibition activities of the Belarus agricultural library of I.S. Lupinovich in 2015 (М. Vazhnik)