Ivan Vorobyeu, Elena Sidorova
Problems of transition of Belarus to sustainable development. P. 24
Henadz Lych, Vitali Chabatul
Public-private partnership in agricultural innovation investments: necessity, problems and ways of their solution. P. 512
Summary: The article describes the main trends in the development of public-private partnership in the countries of near and far abroad, identified the main reasons hindering the development of effective cooperation of government and business in Belarus, including in the agricultural sector, and the basic ways of improving and enhancing the PPP mechanism.
Svetlana Bondar, Alexander Kovtunov
Features of forming of rural mixed economy. P. 1318
Summary: Theoretical approaches to the definition of the process of transformation of business units, defined by their progressive and regressive direction. We consider the importance of small farms to the rural economy. It is proved the objective character of the formation of a mixed economy in rural areas.
Aliaksandr Gorbatovski
Essence, factors and principles of intensification of agricultural production in the new economic conditions. P. 1929
Summary: The article describes the basic principles of the intensification of agricultural production in the current economic conditions. Examined the role of agricultural policy and the innovation process in the formation of a new development strategy for the sector. It proposed a system of intensification factors and the expediency of a differentiated approach to its implementation.
Stepan Polonik, Eleanor Khorobrikh, Anna Lytvynchuk
On the problem of reducing the material- and energy intensity of agricultural production. P. 3038
Summary: The article shows the ways of rational consumption in Belarus, material and energy resources for the production of environmentally friendly organic agricultural products. List the main criteria in the process and mechanism of its economic stimulus. The features and promising directions of solving the problems associated with the production, transmission and distribution of electricity and heat, taking into account the principles of green economy.
Ala Tsiatsiorkina, Vitali Strohi
Mechanism development of purchasing and commodity interventions in agricultural of the Republic of Belarus. P. 3944
Summary: The critical analysis of established practice of agrarian market price regulation of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of stabilization funds forming of the interseasonal period is provided in the article. The state purchasing and commodity interventions mechanism which is based on creation of republican intervention fund of agricultural products, raw materials and food is offered in addition to the operating order. Recommendations in relation to interventions, list products forming which are subject to state interventions, price level determination (its achievement is reasonable to perform the state purchasing and commodity interventions) are developed for its implementation.
Gordei Gusakov
The technique of incremental implementation methodological objectives to achieve food security. P. 4553
Summary: In this article was provided the technique of incremental implementation methodological objectives to achieve food security. Also, ware determined advantages and disadvantages of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus. In conclusion, were offered ideas of the author on optimization of the basic functions of government to achieve food security condition.
Maria Nazarova
Conceptual bases of management of marketing activity in the integrated formations of agrarian and industrial complex. P. 5466
Summary: The article describes the basic concept of management marketing business entities belonging to the integrated form, disclosed essence of management of marketing activity, made the systematization of the relationship of general and specific marketing, identified and substantiated the main advantages of the different species and subspecies of marketing strategy with regard to the conditions of functioning of the integrated structures, a model of an integrated use marketing tools that promote active promotion of products to the internal and external food markets.
New editions in the fund of the Belarus agricultural library of I.S. Lupinovich (I. Fomina). P. 6768