Rural economics
Sergej OSNOVIN1, Natalya MALCEVICH2, Viktor OSNOVIN3, Vitalij Andrush3, Larysa OSNOVINA3
Priority areas for digital transformation of sustainable development strategy. P. 3–11
1 Belarusian State Economic University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
2 Business Institute of the Belarusian State University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
3 Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
The concept of agricultural development as the main guideline establishes the development of market principles of management. The priority areas for the digital transformation of the sustainable development strategy include a variety of information technologies.
Today there is no such sphere of production in which information technologies are not used. In the developed countries of the world, the development of intensive and efficient agricultural production is ensured not only through the introduction of new technologies, but also through the improvement of the information and technological base in the management of these processes. Modern information technologies are considered the main condition for agricultural production.
Keywords: agriculture, strategies, development, priority areas, digital transformation.
Normative net income – one of the main indicators of cadastral valuation agricultural land in Belarus. P. 12–19
Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
The article analyzes the results of the cadastral valuation of agricultural lands in Belarus according to one of its indicators – the normative net income. Indicators of normative net income for certain types of land, administrative and economic units are given. A cartogram of indicators of the normative net income by districts has been compiled, a correlation has been established with the points of soil fertility and the productivity of grain and leguminous crops. It shows its use in the optimization of agricultural land and in determining the losses caused to land users by withdrawing their land plots.
Keywords: cadastral valuation of agricultural land, assessment indicators, normative net income, types of land, arable land, grouping of districts, cartogram, use.
Improving the economic mechanism for the formation of logistics costs in the production and marketing system of an agricultural organization. P. 20–30
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Gorki, Republic of Belarus
In the conditions of the disparity in prices for agricultural products that have developed in the republic, together with restrictions on financing large-scale agricultural producers, further improvement of the mechanism of their management in the vector of the conjuncture dynamics of the domestic and foreign markets, undoubtedly, presupposes the maximum development of internal organizational reserves of cost optimization monetary resources, including on the basis of a logistic approach. In the context of this problem, the authors have developed a model for improving the economic mechanism for the formation of logistics costs, which is represented by three main blocks: monitoring of logistics costs; object-process decomposition of the supply system; calculation of planned logistics costs as part of the development program of an agricultural organization. The methodological substantiation of the content and practical orientation of each of the proposed elements of improving the mechanism is given, approaches to their adaptation in modern economic conditions are developed. The potential level of reserves for optimizing logistics costs in terms of the organizational and sectoral structure of agricultural organizations in the Goretsky, Dribinsky and Mstislavsky districts has been revealed.
Keywords: agricultural organization, large-scale production, agrilogistics, logistics costs, optimization, assessment, region, logistics justification.
©Angelina Kosova
Outsourcing as a tool for the development of logistics activities of agricultural organizations. P. 31–37
The Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
The article reveals the essence, goals, objectives, advantages and disad-vantages of outsourcing as a tool for the development of the logistics activities of agricultural organizations. The trends are highlighted and the features of its application in world practice are substantiated. Priority directions and forms of outsourcing for logistic functions and business processes in agribusiness organizations have been developed, which ensure the subject's competitiveness in the domestic and foreign market.
Keywords: outsourcing, logistics, contract logistics, organization, agroindustrial complex.
Natalya Kireyenko1, Alfiya KUZNETSOVA2
Socio-economic development of the agricultural industry and policy of response to the pandemic COVID-19 (on the example of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation). P. 38–45
1Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
2Institute for Strategic Studies of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Russian Federation
The article highlights the key directions and priorities of the socio-economic development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation at the present stage. The effectiveness of a set of measures of state support for agricultural producers and consumers of countries at the national level in a pandemic has been substantiated. The effectiveness of the COVID-19 response policy developed by the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union in relation to the agro-industrial complex has been determined.
Keywords: agribusiness, government agrarian policy, response, pandemic COVID-19, agricultural organizations, consumers.
Foreign experience
Application of international experience in the development and promotion of export activities of agricultural enterprises in the Republic of Belarus. P. 46–56
Institute of System Researcher in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
The article reveals the world experience in the development and stimulation of export activities of agricultural enterprises in the Republic of Belarus, as well as substantiates the most effective practices and tools for supporting and stimulating food exports, taking into account the national resources and characteristics of Belarus.
Reference information
New editions in the fund of the Belarus agricultural library of I. S. Lupinovich (I. Fomina). P. 70–72