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Michael Zapolsky

Perfection of intraeconomic cost-accounting relations in the large agricultural organisations

Summary: In article the basic organizational-economic conditions and principles of economic interaction of intraeconomic divisions are investigated and established, the actions directed on construction of effective intraeconomic mutual relations of labour collectives within the limits of the existing agricultural enterprises are developed.

The model of functioning of intraeconomic divisions within the limits of the existing agricultural enterprises which gives the chance to realise in practice the right of commodity producers in a choice of forms and directions of activity, the order the received incomes, made production is offered.


Kiryl Sobal

Unrelated diversification as the direction of revitalization of the rural economy

Summary: The article shows the essence, preconditions and directions of unrelated diversification of the rural economy. Particular attention is paid to the development of separate directions of unrelated diversification in the context of the revitalization of the rural economy in the Republic of Belarus.


Fadej Suboch

Innovation capacity of the 'nanoinstitutional' capital of food structures of the Eurasian economic union, as the process of reproduction of intangible assets


Lilia Shchukina

Investment factors of sustainable development of agriculture in the region (on materials of Gomel region)

Summary: In the article the analysis of volumes of investment resources and the level of their development in the field of production and technical base of agriculture, housing construction in rural areas, environmental protection and the rational use of natural resources of the Gomel region is executed. The estimation of influence of investment factors on economic, social and environmental parameters of sustainable agriculture development in the region is given.


Nadezhda Antipenko

Methodical maintenance of the basic directions of the analysis and the forecast of activity of the agricultural organizations

Summary: Necessary condition for using industrial-technological and investment potential with a purpose of the development of the real sector of economy, for carrying out of structural transformations in the industries and agriculture, for increasing of competitive ability and promotion of the production of home commodity makers on the internal and foreign markets is the choice of directions for a complex and all-round estimation and the analysis of activity of the agricultural structures defining rates, proportions, tendencies and, finally, prospects of their further development and participation in the decision of key problems. For achievement this purpose the basic directions of the analysis of agricultural structures have been formulated in the article, and also the criteria defining potential productivity of agro industrial sector were picked out. Also in article the developed logic block scheme of the analysis of the agricultural organizations activity is described in which all full process of the analysis of agricultural structures activity breaks into five basic stages, co-ordinating with uniform process of information gathering, its representation, carrying out of necessary calculations and an estimation of the results of the agricultural organizations activity, definition of the basic tendencies, comparative efficiency and qualitative shifts for the analysis of the revealed regularity and the reasons which have caused their occurrence.


Anatoli Saiganov, Vasilina Lipskaya

Methods of assessing the competitive grain harvesters

Summary: Shows developed by authors method of assessing the competitiveness of grain harvesters, the applicability of which was tested in conditions of 'Gomselmash' harvesters in relation to different classes of bandwidth.

The technique allows to make a realistic assessment of the competitiveness of machines to identify the most strengths and weaknesses assessed harvesters to develop effective measures to improve them.


Oleg Kazakov

The mechanism of energy consumption management at greenhouse enterprises and the evaluation of its effectiveness

Summary: The problems of effective use of energy resources at the enterprises of the sector of greenhouse vegetable-growing have been mentioned. The author describes the mechanism of energy consumption management that might be implemented at greenhouse enterprises. This mechanism of energy consumption management is based on socio-economic and institutional factors. The author provides the description of the structural elements of the developed mechanism of energy consumption management. The author provides as well the method for evaluating the effectiveness of the mechanism of energy consumption management at greenhouse enterprises. Conclusions regarding the practical applicability of the developed mechanism of energy consumption management and of the method for evaluating its effectiveness have been made.


Nikolay Laretin

Formation of modern systems of agriculture


New editions in the fund of the Belarus agricultural library of I.S. Lupinovich (I. Fomina).