Sergey Osnovin, Victor Osnovin, Larisa Osnovina, Natalya Maltsevich
Activation of innovative processes in the agricultural sector. P. 27
Summary: For successful economic development of Republic of Belarus it is important to choose optimum ways of improvement of agricultural production. In this regard in agro-industrial complex the information and consulting system has importance.
Use of the integrated marketing information will allow to consider indicators of development of the mentioned system, responses of its users, influence of information and consulting services on results of activity of the agricultural enterprises.
Innovations which accustom to agro-industrial complex create conditions for activization of scientific and technical progress in agrarian branch. Therefore, in agricultural production the effect of development of innovations which is expressed in an additional exit of production, reduction of costs of a unit of production, obtaining the big income is created.
Mikhail Zhudro
Integrated Investment rapid diagnosis of proportionality business processes unprofitable agribusiness organizations. P. 813
Summary: The comparative analytical, experimental and expert evaluation of the existing investment of rapid diagnosis methods of economic status AIC unprofitable enterprises. A methodological approach to upgrade them to optimize the values of parameters that characterize the liquidity of the data structures, profitability and stability of their activity. A toolkit to mainstream conflict characteristics such investments as the return and stability on the one hand and the return and liquidity - on the other.
The methodological approach and the algorithm level agricultural solvency assessment. Recommendations managers, investors, entrepreneurs for the justification of future scenarios of development of these structures.
Natallia Pushko
The system of efficiency indicators of personnel use in agricultural organizations. P. 1420
Summary: The article substantiates the theoretical and methodological basis of assessment of effectiveness of using personnel in a developed system of indicators of efficiency of use of the latter, which includes 4 subsystems:
the availability and need for resources of labour and use of time,
the ratio between the final results of production and costs,
the qualitative characteristics of labor potential development,
social development.
The recommended system allows to evaluate the level of efficiency of machine operators, to identify influencing them the most significant factors and to reveal the reserves of their rational use.
Larysa Shabunia
The development of agricultural insurance as an element of state support in Belarus. P. 2125
Summary: The paper studied the main features of agricultural insurance, as well as the criteria for reference of insurance programs to the category of permitted state support measures within the framework of the WTO. The analysis of the system of agricultural insurance in the Republic of Belarus and identifies the main factors constraining the development of this system in our country.
Ivan Kosko, Ivan Sheykо, Lyudmila Tanana
Efficiency of pork production using hybrid boars under industrial technology. P. 2630
Summary: The best indicators of meat performance were shown by animals of (L. Y.) (D. P.) genotype, but young animals of (B.L.W. Y.) (D. P.) combination showed higher fattening traits and the highest net profit after pork sale.
Aliaksei Meliashchenia
Japanese market of dairy products: import regulation. P. 3137
Summary: The article deals with the measures applied in Japan to protect the domestic milk production. It describes the local dairy market specific features. Tariff and non-tariff measures regulating its volume of imports are analyzed. Basic requirements for the considered goods and laws regulating their import are listed.
Vadim Pecherskiy
Corporate management as an institute of providing of competitiveness of integrated agricultural enterprises of Ukraine. P. 3849
Summary: A problem of competitiveness of computer-integrated enterprises is aktual'noy in connection with a strengthening process eurointegration and globalization of market environment. It touches and enterprises of agrarian sector economies which orient the activity to the oversea markets. In the article influence of corporate management of both market institute is probed on the increase of efficiency and competitiveness of domestic agropredpriyatiy both on internal and oversea markets, and also rights for all participants of computer-integrated association. Probed the feature of becoming of mechanism of corporate management for a computer-integrated agrarian enterprise.
Anatoliy Razin, Maria Ivanova, Svietlana Makrak, Oleg Razin
On the development and use of genetically modified organisms in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. P. 5056
Summary: The article presents the results of studies on the state of affairs in the field of genetically modified organisms. Having considered the risk from the use of the latest in food, production of GMOs in the world, the prospects for the use of transgenic crops in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, the economic feasibility of their implementation.
New editions in the fund of the Belarus agricultural library of I.S. Lupinovich (I. Fomina, N. Shakura). P. 5760