Leonid Kukresh, Pyotr Kazakevich
Ways of efficiency increase of modern belarusian agro-industrial complex
Yury Sialiukou, Vitali Chabatul, Anna Bashko
Current investment activity state and its main result in agriculture of the Republic of Belarus
Summary: Considers the current state and the trends of the development of investment in the agricultural sector. The analysis of investment and production potential of the agrarian sector. The basic problems in this field, the directions of their solution.
Marina Kakora
Improvement of the investment activities of the organization through the creation of integrated units
Summary: Improvement of the investment activities of organizations in Belarus in the contemporary economy is directly linked to the creation of integrated units. Today, agro-industrial integration is viewed as a shift towards a financially self-sufficient systems of internal self-government and the most efficient allocation of financial and investment resources. The mechanism of creation of co-operative integration structure of the agro-holding type on the basis of public organization Mogilev Meat Processing Plant' is viewed In the current article. It is done in order to improve the investment activities of the organization.
Nadezhda Batova
Competitive environment of agricultural grocery market: essence and formation peculiarities
Summary: The theoretical view of the definition competitive environment is studied and summarized. The main methodological approaches to the formation of the competitive environment are detected: institutional (what assumes introduction and utilization of a number of the legislative norms and rules ordering the activity of market subjects) and marketing (what assumes representing synergetic function of interaction of the competitive factors). The fundamental features of agrifood market affecting on development of the competitive relations are proved.
Fadej Suboch
Integration restructuring of the enterprises in institutional space of food system of the Eurasian economic union
Andrei Goncharov
Mechanism of effectiveness increase of relation between personal subsidiary plots of villagers and organizations of consumer cooperative society
Summary: There are suggestions about improvement of the mechanism of relation between personal subsidiary plots of villagers and organizations of consumer cooperative society in order to increase production effectiveness of agricultural products in the personal subsidiary plots and processing, transportation, storing and realization of finished goods by the structures of consumer cooperative society. The algorithm of functioning of the mechanism of relation has been developed including a certain consistency of stage caring out from the beginning of establishment of the necessary quantity of purchase products and raw-materials in the plots of population and to the ending of realization of finished goods of the region consumer cooperative society which are conditioned by a main strategy and tactical conditions of economic policy.
Elena Kienya,Veronica Goose
The use of innovative forms of training and skills development
Valentina Kaliuk
Sustainability appraisal of regional development of the grain market
Summary: The system of indicators for the analysis of the developed potential of stability of the grain market is given in article. On their basis the methodology is developed and the corresponding assessment of stability of the regional market of grain of the Grodno region is carried out.
New editions in the fund of the Belarus agricultural library of I.S. Lupinovich (I. Fomina).