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Iryna Lazarevich

Increase of efficiency of state regulation of prices for agricultural products supplied for state needs in the Republic of Belarus. P. 213

Summary: The article presents the results of studies on the development of scientifically based approaches to the formation of a list of agricultural products supplied for the republican state needs and the formation of regulated prices for them. The conducted calculations showed that the profitability of sales of agricultural products in Belarus is much lower than that of Russian Federation and Republic of Kazakhstan. The main factor is a high level of costs for the production and sale of agricultural products. To increase the efficiency of the functioning of the livestock sector in Belarus, it has been proposed to apply the cost approach in the formation of procurement prices based on the assessment of the cadastral value of agricultural land.


Inna Garchuk

Bases of formation of management system of strategy of sustainable socio-economic development of the organizations of agro-industrial complex. P. 1419

Summary: The article discusses the main, special, general management functions, as well as the functions of the business environment of agro-industrial organizations involved in the development and implementation of sustainable socio-economic development strategy of the organization. The model of measurement, analysis and evaluation of management processes is developed. The condition of sustainable development of the organizations is defined by means of an indicator of efficiency of processes of management level of controllability.


Maryna Malakhovich

Modern condition of the market of vegetable production of the Republic of Belarus and prospects of its development. P. 2028

Summary: In article the modern condition of the Belarusian market of vegetable production is studied, an assessment is given to the processes happening on him, the main tendencies of development of the studied market are revealed and also the perspective directions of its development are defined.


Vasili Raubo, Sergey Osnovin, Natalya Maltsevich, Galina Ruskevich, Aleksey Kireikov

Optimization of basic elements of farming systems using precision farming. P. 2935

Summary: The article considers the elements of exact farming, as well as software and hardware used to obtain spatially oriented data on agricultural fields.

Spatial heterogeneity of lands is not permanent, they are formed as a result of changes in physico-chemical and biological indicators of the soil environment.

The spatial heterogeneity of agricultural crops is the resultant in relation to the state of the soil cover and the microclimate associated with the initial variety of seed material. Variations in the state of crops and soil environment are due to the presence of areas with unequal levels of fertility.

It is necessary to select indicators that allow obtaining information for differentiating land on relatively homogeneous work areas in order to choose the optimal technological solutions for precision farming for the latter.


Levon Khachatryan, Aram Mkhitaryan

Aspects of foreign trade of the Republic of Armenia in foodstuff and ways of solutions of the problems arising at the same time. P. 3644

Summary: Article is devoted to the analysis of statistical data and the foreign trade of food flowing in the Republic of Armenia, and also to studying of the existing problems which interfere with development of the sector. In article it is considered diversification in logistics in the export directions to the EEU countries. It is presented ways for increase in volumes of export which promote increase in economic efficiency of production.


Vitaly Pauk

Why have losses Byelorussian beef production? P. 4572