Rural economics
Effective forms of cluster-forming interaction of agricultural enterprises in the aspect of digital economy tools. P. 3–22
The Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
Scientific concept of state regulation of the agricultural sector. P. 23–30
Institute of System Researcher in AgroIndustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk
Economic instruments of market regulation of foreign trade relations in the agri-food sector. P. 31–40
Institute of System Studies in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
The article examines the development of the economic regulation of foreign trade in agricultural products and foodstuffs in Belarus, the level of utilization of the available industry potential both in the structure and volume of export and import operations, and increasing the competitiveness of domestic goods, the development of integration processes at international and regional levels.
In order to improve the mechanisms for regulating foreign economic activity, a theoretical model of its regulation has been developed that allows the use of various economic instruments of export activities in order to increase its efficiency: improving the strategy for developing foreign economic activity, boosting foreign trade operations, determining the level of agricultural goods that are sensitive to imports, protecting the interests of national producers , coordinated export policy of the EAEU member states, assessment of the consequences of Belarus’s accession to the WTO.
Keywords: development model, foreign trade activities, regulation, economic tools, agri-food sector.
Sponsorship of insolvent agricultural organizations or a survival model. P. 41–47
The Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
The article discusses additional measures of government bodies to provide sponsorship to individual insolvent agricultural organizations in order to strengthen the material and technical base and increase production efficiency.
Keywords: sponsor, financial burden, affiliations, management company.
Alexander GAIDUKOV
Justification of the development parameters of personal subsidiary farms while ensuring the rational use of state support funds. P. 48–53
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Gorki, Republic of Belarus
The article presents the basic economic and mathematical model for substantiating the development parameters of personal subsidiary plots of the republic, taking into account the various levels of state support. The advantage and novelty of the developed model is the justification of the rational use of budget funds to ensure the optimal development of one of the spheres of the agricultural sector of the economy of the Republic of Belarus. In justifying the initial information, the current state of personal subsidiary farms and the tendencies of their development in modern conditions are taken into account. When comparing the main indicators of the activity of private farms for various variants of the forecast with the actual, a decrease in the growth rate of production per unit area with an increase in the level of state support was established. Thus, the existing production potential of personal subsidiary farms limits the maximum volumes of production with an increase in its efficiency. After a certain limit, the recoupment of financial resources invested in private farms decreases.
Keywords: personal subsidiary plots, state support, economic-mathematical model, development parameters, payback.
Problems of Agroindustrial Complex industries
Efficiency factors of cultivation and optimized cattle. P. 54–59
Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperation, Gomel, Republic of Belarus
The factors examined in the article determine the dynamic and effective development of beef cattle breeding, the intensification of the branch applied to the natural and economic conditions of the Gomel region. Taking the example of the communal agricultural unitary enterprise (KSUP) "Uritskoye", the analysis of the efficiency of growing and fattening cattle is carried out.
The economic evaluation of fodder production is given аnd the recoupment of used resources is justified.
Serious attention is paid to the relationship between agricultural and processing organizations.
Keywords: factors, economy, efficiency, intensification, growing, fattening, cattle, branch, fodder production, agricultural organizations.
Liudmila Dovnar
The organizational and economic mechanism for the effective functioning of the sugar market of the Republic of Belarus. P. 60–72
The Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
The article substantiates the directions of development of the sugar market of the Republic of Belarus in the conditions of aggravation of internal imbalances and the influence of external risks. The organizational and economic mechanism for the effective functioning of the sugar market, which is aimed to ensure coordinated and balanced interaction of economic actors within the reproduction chain and to maximize the competitive advantages in the context of regional integration.
Keywords: sugar market, effective functioning, mechanism, tools of market regulation.