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Agrarian Economics, № 1, 2015




Natallia Kireyenka, Alexsey Bartosh

Market of marketing research: current trends and directions of development

Summary: The paper studied and summarized the main directions of development of the world and regional markets of marketing research. Justified factors influencing the formation of a single research area of the Customs Union. Identified common country positions and differences in objects and subjects of the market, types of research and policy. A set of promising areas of marketing research as a tool for improving the competitiveness of the economies of the Customs Union.


Sergey Zen

Agro-industrial complex of Belarus in the context of the processes of transformation: the socio-economic and legal aspects

Summary: The article provides an overview of the results of the agroindustrial complex of the Republic of Belarus. Marked by major achievements of AIC in the socio-economic sphere. Emphasize the relevance of the legal framework governing the functioning of the agricultural sector. Indicate the direction of its perfection.


Elena Molozhavaya

The analysis of factors contributing to the formation of the market of food products of the countries of the CU and SES

Summary: The article discusses approaches to addressing food security. The assessment of level of self-reliance of member states of the CU and SES is carried out by foodstuff. The factors making impact on formation of the uniform food market of the countries of the CU and SES which will ensure food security integrating countries and improve the welfare of the population.


Aleksandr Shpak, Ludmila Skoropanova

To the question of efficient use of land in the peasant farms in Belarus

Summary: In the article were analyzed the main areas of industrial activity peasant farms of the Republic of Belarus, as well as statistical data on the results of their operations. There were considered some performance indicators of land use in the belorussian peasant farms in this memoir. The aspects of public policy to support small agro-business in rural areas were set out. Concluded that that the farming sector as a whole provides a break-even and cost-effective operation.


Anna Chirich

Methods of comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of investments in the development of social infrastructure in rural areas

Summary: In the article it is proposed methods of comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of investments in the development of social infrastructure in rural areas and indicated the direction of its possible application.


Serhei Kulahin

Evaluating the effectiveness of investment projects of public-private partnerships in the livestock sector agribusiness

Summary: Offers an analysis of modern methods of identifying criteria for evaluating the economic efficiency of investment projects. Thus, sound policies for improvement and solutions, by one of the leading tools public - private partnership.


Alexej Pehota

About efficiency of lime application of peat-boggy soils

Summary: Data of limy fertilizers influence on efficiency of long-term cereal herbs at haying use of peat soils are presented in the article. The economic and power assessment of doses of lime application at various systems of mineral fertilizer is given.


Tatsiana Filiukova

Products identification of slaughter and meat production according to requirements of new technical regulations of the Customs Union 'About of meat and meat production safety' (MI CU 034/2013)


Irina Trunina

Methodological going near the mechanism of estimation of competitiveness of entrepreneurial activity

Summary: The article summarizes the classification definitions of the category of 'competitiveness', identified the need for and the procedure for diagnosis of competitiveness in the enterprise, the main methods of its implementation.



New editions in the fund of the Belarus agricultural library of I.S. Lupinovich (I. Fomina).