Rural economics
Regression analysis of the efficiency of the use of production resources of a large-scale agroindustrial enterprise, depending on specialization and location. P. 3–22
The author's methodology of analysis has been developed, which makes it possible to calculate the efficiency of the use of production resources of all main types of agricultural production, depending on the regional location. The distribution of large-scale agroindustrial enterprises by specialization has been revealed. Selected factors that have the greatest impact on the effectiveness of activities. A factorial analysis of the efficiency of a large-scale agroindustrial enterprise depending on specialization and location was carried out.
Assessment of the influence of modern factors and conditions on the state of food security in the Republic of Belarus. P. 23–36
The article reflects modern aspects in the field of food security at the global level, as well as the results of monitoring that characterize the state of food security in the Republic of Belarus in 2022. Particular attention is paid to the most important areas of ensuring national food security, including an assessment of the physical and economic availability of food, the level and quality of nutrition in the context of population categories.
Some aspects of assessing the efficiency of agroindustrial production and the prospects for its development in the product subcomplexes of the agroindustrial complex. P. 37–48
The current state and level of agroindustrial production is assessed on the example of the main product subcomplexes of the agroindustrial complex of Belarus (grain, meat, dairy, etc.). On the basis of statistical information in the context of regions, factors and conditions affecting the dynamics of the expansion of production volumes, as well as the reasons of a restraining nature are established. By comparing the actual production volumes in the main sub-complexes of the agroindustrial complex and the target indicators of the state programs for the development of the agroindustrial complex for 2018–2022, the stable positions of the agroindustrial complex were identified and the directions for the development of its branches were proposed.
Problems of agroindustrial complex industries
Economic efficiency of the use of means of mechanization of intensive horticulture in Belarus. P. 49–61
This article considers the issue of using means of mechanization of the most labor-intensive processes of intensive horticulture in Belarus. It has been established that the level of mechanization of the basic technology of cultivating an apple orchard is only 12,5 %, and requires financial resources – 6163 rubles/ha. A set of machines developed by RUE "SPC NAS of Belarus for agricultural mechanization" consists of an ASU-6 unit for harvesting fruits and pruning trees, a KUV-1,8 complex for swathing and chopping cut branches of fruit trees and a technological line LSP-4 for sorting and packing apples allows you to mechanize these processes. The use of the proposed train of machines in a promising garden cultivation technology allows for annual cost savings on the technological map in the amount of 1018,55 rubles/ha, a reduction in labor costs by 278,5 man-hours/ha, and the level of mechanization of garden cultivation – 50,1 %.
Economic efficiency of the technology of cultivation of highbush blueberries in Belarus. P. 62–77
The results of the predictive calculation of the economic efficiency of the production of highbush blueberries on an area of 10 hectares in the conditions of Belarus are presented. It is shown that the creation of plantations of this crop on mineral soil and its cultivation for 3 years is a relatively high-cost process. In the production of blueberries, incomes begin to exceed expenses in the third year of cultivation. The payback period for the creation and maintenance of blueberry plantations is 5 years and 7 months from the date of organization of production or 1 year and 7 months after the plants enter commercial fruiting. The profitability of highbush blueberry production is 319,8 %..
Foreign experience
Improving the areas of management in agriculture based on foreign experience. P. 78–94
The existing approaches to the provision of agricultural producers in the Republic of Belarus with production facilities are clarified and directions for their improvement, taking into account foreign practice, are proposed: conclusion of contracting agreements that take into account the risks of resource provision; development of integration and cooperation relations aimed at the effective provision of material and technical resources. The necessity of improving the functions of managing material resources in the context of the development of the digital economy has been established, within the framework of which a characteristic of the automated workplace of an accountant at the level of a commodity producer has been developed.
Reference information
New editions from the fund of the I. S. Lupinovich Belarus agricultural library (Natalya Shakura). P. 95–96