№ 8

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Rural economics


Methodology for developing a forecast for the development of the agri-food complex of Belarus. P. 3–17

The scientific article discusses the main directions of the development of the agro-food complex of the Republic of Belarus in the long term, taking into account the problems of food safety (“green” economy).


Methodology and practice of building a new end-to-end corporate governance system for the agro-industrial complex. P. 18–28

A conceptual model of the organization and functioning of the agro-industrial complex management system as a mega-cluster formation has been constructed, which includes four main blocks: organizational, economic, legal and institutional, which contain their inherent instruments and levers of regulation. Based on the above, the definition of the management model of the agro-industrial complex as a mega-cluster organization has been formulated. In development, an appropriate definition of the organizational and economic model of corporate governance of the agro-industrial complex as a mega-cluster is given. A set of factors that affect the management system in the agro-industrial complex has been established, and their brief interpretation is given. It has been established that in the modern practice of the agro-industrial complex, several main groups of models can be distinguished, typical for all levels of management: A. Incomplete – not all levels of management are covered; B. Traditional – all functions and organizational structures can be present in the management system; C. Market models – correspond to the specifics of management in market conditions; D. Innovative – based on combining the best aspects of all known models. On this basis, it was revealed that at present, the solution of most of the problems of the agro-industrial complex is possible, first of all, through the development of an end-to-end system of corporate management of agro-industrial production as a mega-cluster infrastructure.


Scientific concepts and methodological approaches to the formation of a monitoring system for foreign markets for agricultural products. P. 29–45

An important place in the implementation of foreign trade policy of the state, region, industry, business entity is occupied by the monitoring system of foreign food markets. Without understanding their development trends, qualitative and quantitative parameters, consumers and competitors, it is impossible to build an effective agricultural business. The article presents the results of a scientific study on the theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of foreign trade policy and increasing the export potential of the agri-food sector of the Republic of Belarus, taking into account world experience. The scientific and practical features of the formation of an effective planning system, organization and monitoring of foreign markets for agricultural products and food products have been studied and systematized. The methodological approaches to the analysis of the conditions of access and entry to foreign markets for agri-food products have been substantiated.


Strategic directions for the formation of an effective risk management system in agricultural organizations of the Republic of Belarus. P. 46–69

The article substantiates the strategic directions for the formation of an effective risk management system by business entities in the agricultural sector of the Republic of Belarus. A conceptual model for the development of an effective risk management system in agriculture, a methodology for identifying and assessing risks in agricultural organizations have been developed. A set of organizational and economic measures to anticipate risks and minimize losses of agricultural organizations has been substantiated.


Problems of agroindustrial complex industries


Fruit and berry industry of Belarus: production status, labor productivity and performance. P. 70–86

The article draws attention to the relevance of the topic. It is noted that the level of self-sufficiency of Belarus with domestic fruit and berry products in some years does not reach 50%, although the soil and climatic conditions of the republic contribute to the almost universal cultivation and cultivation of various types and varieties of fruit and berry crops. In the fruit and berry industry of all categories of farms for the period 2015–2019, there were significant dynamic changes: if the gross harvest of fruits of seed crops decreased by almost 30%, the production of berries increased by 31%. The main contribution to the total gross harvest of fruits and berries was made by the households of the population – at least 70%. Attention is drawn to the fact that during the study period, the fruit-bearing area of horticultural crops significantly decreased, but their yield significantly increased. The article states that the yield of garden crops is characterized by a significant fluctuation between odd and even years: for even years, the yield indicators are higher compared to odd years. This pattern does not apply to berry crops.

An in-depth study of the indicators characterizing the fruit and berry industry was carried out on the example of the agricultural production cooperative (APC) “Progress-Vertelishki” of the Grodno region. In this farm, considerable attention is paid to the cultivation and cultivation of horticultural crops: from a significant fruit – bearing area for the period 2014–2018, from 2.6 to 3.2 thousand tons of fruits and from 31 to 85 tons of berries were collected annually. Using the example of the fruit and berry industry of the APC “Progress-Vertelishki”, the author of the article proves the need to calculate and evaluate labor productivity on the basis of net production (added value) rather than gross output. The main part of the article concludes with an analytical assessment of the economic and financial indicators of the fruit and berry industry in the APC “Progress-Vertelishki”. The content of the article ends with reasoned conclusions.


The production and marketing potential of meat poultry farming and ways to improve it. P. 87–94

This article examines the state and priority directions of development of poultry meat production, a strategy for improving the production and sales activities of poultry meat organizations is developed, measures to increase the production and sales potential of industry enterprises are proposed and their economic justification is given.

New editions from the fund of the I. S. Lupinovich Belarus agricultural library (Nataliya Shakura). P. 95–96