Rural economics
Theoretical foundations of corporate investment in the agroindustrial complex. P. 3–19
The most important classification features reflecting the differences between the terms "investment" and "investment" are singled out, the essence and content of corporate investments are revealed. A model of the "investment field" is proposed, reflecting the relationship of scientific and applied elements that form and determine the essence of corporate investment. The algorithm of corporate investment is substantiated.
Methodological aspects of energy efficiency assessment in agroindustrial production. P. 20–33
The article systematizes the existing methodological approaches to assessing energy efficiency in agroindustrial production, identifies their advantages and disadvantages, identifies common features and distinctive features. Depending on the intended purpose, the main criteria and evaluation indicators used to analyze energy efficiency in agroindustrial production are established.
Etymology of objective economic laws and regularities in relation to the cluster organization of the agroindustrial complex. P. 34–41
A study of the etymology of objective economic laws and patterns of material production has been carried out and 10 fundamental provisions have been formulated. In particular, the first says that the functioning of the economic system is determined by a number of fundamental mechanisms and methods. They are built depending on the specifics of the socio-economic structure in which they are implemented. The second suggests that the most important mechanisms that have a decisive influence on the development of the entire socio-economic system are the key economic laws and their derivatives – patterns and principles that together form a set of mandatory norms and rules for the actions of commodity producers, etc. As a result, the formulated provisions allow you to establish the nature of the basic economic laws, their totality and mechanism of action.
Improving the efficiency of regional agroindustrial complex management based on the digital concept of controlling. P. 42–56
The article reveals the role of the controlling system in providing the efficiency of regional management bodies of agroindustrial complex. In the context of historical development of integrated management support system formation of its modern (digital) concept with highlighting of key characteristics was substantiated. Determined functionally-targeted basis of controlling in regional management. Оn the basis of analysis of foreign experience set actual directions of digital transformation of territorial management of agroindustrial complex.
Uladzimir LEMEKH
Venture-based sociosystem of the agroindustrial complex of the Republic of Belarus: conception and perspective. P. 57–69
According to a number of influential consultants on business models and new technology economics, the market system of innovative projects and technology startups is not capable of producing or benefiting from disruptive technologies, generating significant efficiency, long-term growth or providing well-paying jobs for employees. Stimulation of this business model by the state leads to uncontrolled privatization of the benefits and preferences provided, and their detachment from positive change. Therefore, the state policy in the field of venture capital activity should solve the key question: how to combine the goals of Belarusian society related to the development of knowledge-intensive industries and new technologies in agribusiness with the goals of the entrepreneurs themselves, whose main incentive is the efficiency of investment.
Foreign experience
Formation and development concepts of the budgeting system based on foreign experience of its use in relation to agricultural organizations. P. 70–90
The study of the formation and features of the concepts of development of the budgeting system and foreign experience of its use in large-scale agroindustrial organizations is of great multidimensional importance. The results will make it possible to more fully understand the essence and potential of the budgeting system in the agroindustrial complex and develop effective measures to improve it.
The stages of development of the budget method are studied; directions of budgeting at the level of the organization are allocated; revealed contradictions in foreign and domestic literature on the topic of the article; systematized views on the process of development of budgeting; global concepts (approaches) of budgeting were evaluated in relation to their application at the level of large-scale agroindustrial organizations; an acceptable budgeting approach for large-scale agroindustrial organizations has been established and a model of its functioning has been developed, key parameters (advantages) of each of the concepts have been formed; describes the main purpose and objectives of the use of budgeting in large-scale agroindustrial organizations in various countries.
Reference information
Resolution of the Republican Scientific and Practical Seminar "Ensuring the quality and safety of agricultural products". P. 91–94
New editions from the fund of the I. S. Lupinovich Belarus agricultural library (Natalya Shakura). P. 95–96