№ 7

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Rural economics



Formation of clusters, technological platforms and other factors of innovative reproduction on the basis of the IT-program "Clasterization" in the aspect of the national import substitution doctrine. Р3–31



Increasing the knowledge intensity of the agricultural sector through the prism of investment support. Р. 32–41

The influence of investments in fixed assets on the formation of gross value added of agriculture is studied. The relationship between the rate of investment accumulation and the knowledge intensity of the agricultural sector as aggregating indicators of innovation penetration is considered. There is a significant advance in the growth rate of capital equipment compared with the increase in labor productivity, which actualizes the task of improving the level of organization and quality of scientific support for the agricultural sector. Practice-oriented proposals are proposed to increase the knowledge intensity of the agricultural sector of the economy.



Rational location of the network of base service points for maintenance and repair of grain and forage harvesters. Р. 42–53

An analysis of the indicators of the efficiency of use and reliability of modern domestic grain and forage harvesters, consumer requirements for equipment and its maintenance indicates the need for an integrated approach to improving the level of organization of regional technical service of agricultural equipment through methods of optimizing traffic flows. Based on the research of domestic and Russian scientists, a two-level system of technical service for grain and forage harvesters was proposed by creating a network of support service points at regional dealerships.


Problems of agroindustrial complex industries



Production and economic indicators of potato cultivation: structural and dynamic changes and features at the global, subregional and national levels. Р. 54–78

The article considers structural and dynamic changes and features of potato production at the global level and in the EAEU member states. The current state and trends of potato cultivation in the Republic of Belarus are studied. On the basis of a systematic analysis of the main production and economic indicators, the organizational, economic and technological factors of potato cultivation are identified and the thresholds for break-even, simple and expanded reproduction are substantiated. The results of research make it possible to develop a set of measures to increase the efficiency of potato production in the republic, to reduce the energy, material and labor intensity of its cultivation.



Cultivation of corn for grain: the state of the industry, labor productivity, work efficiency. Р. 79–89

Large-scale cultivation of corn for grain is an urgent task of the functioning of Belarusian agricultural organizations. For this purpose, technological methods of growing this crop have been worked out and tested in production conditions. The biological features of local maize varieties are determined taking into account natural and climatic conditions. In Belarus, the sown area of corn harvested for grain increased by more than 1,7 times in 2016–2018, the gross grain harvest increased by 45 %. The average yield of 1 ha of crop during this period fluctuated in significant aisles – from 5 to 6,5 tons of grain. Such a low indicator indicates an insufficient level of intensity of the industry, especially in agricultural organizations. An in-depth study of the production, economic and financial results of the work of the corn industry was carried out on the example of the agricultural production cooperative “Progress-Vertelishki” of the Grodno region for 2016–2018. Considerable attention in the APC is paid to the cultivation of corn for grain. In 2018, corn accounted for up to 32 % of the gross grain harvest in this agricultural organization. Among the production and economic indicators, labor productivity occupies an important place, therefore, considerable attention is paid to it in the article. In the APC “Progress-Vertelishki” during the study period, positive results were obtained when selling corn grain: the sale of products turned out to be sustainably profitable with fluctuations from 41,3 to 83,1 %.


Alexander TSARENOK, Aleksey KARPENKO

Livestock products in Belarus: per capita production. Р. 90–96

The article is addressing the dynamics of livestock numbers in public and private agricultural farms and enterprises of Belarus over the years from 1941 to 2021. It is remarked that over a 50-year period the number of pigs increased twice, that of beef cattle increased more than twice, dairy cows – by 1,2 times, goats – by 1,07 times. Over the same period, sheep and horse numbers declined 6,3- and 5,4-fold respectively. Starting from 1991 and up until 2021, the numbers of dairy cows, pigs, sheep and horses declined significantly (37, 43, 78 and 84,3 % respectively). In 2020, as against 1990, the live weight of cattle and poultry made 100,1 % and 108,8 % in carcass weight; milk production made 104,1 %. Per capita production of meat, milk and eggs was respectively 21 kg, 99 kg and 15 pieces more than in previous years. Increased per capita production of the basic animal products not only guarantees food safety in the country, but it also provides with export possibilities inviting the inflow of foreign currencies.