Tatiana Zaprudskaya, Yelena Gorbacheva
Current state and main directions of development (peasant) farms in the new environment managing the Republic of Belarus. P. 28
Summary: In the article the basic regulations governing the activities of peasant (farmer) households in the Republic of Belarus, It analyzes the main indicators of the effectiveness of their production activities, are the main problems of institutional, economic and social problems faced by these forms of management in its operations and given solutions.
Ivan Kolesnev
Export specialization as a component of strategies food industry. P. 923
Summary: The article considers and studied various indicators of export specialization as a component of the strategy of the food industry. Generated by proprietary methodology of estimating export specialization food industry enterprises, a method of constructing two-dimensional matrix and defined base of export potential of the enterprise.
Valery Metlitsky
Organizational-economic mechanism of production and sales organizations of AIC on a franchising basis. P. 2432
Summary: Franchising is widely used in world practice, so development of cooperation mechanisms on the basis of franchising is actual for agricultural organizations of the Republic of Belarus. Applying of the franchising as an element of the development of integrated organizations in the agricultural sector is possible in different directions. Thus, the franchise relationships can be implemented in the organization of production and marketing of products.
Olga Grishanova, Oksana Chergeiko, Olga Chureina
Investment activities and investment climate in Grodno region. P. 3339
Summary: The article is devoted to the formation of the investment climate and investment performance in the Grodno region. The article deals with the concept of investment and the investment climate, the characteristic of the main indicators characterizing investment activity in the Grodno region. evaluation was conducted on the basis of a comparative analysis of use of investment in fixed assets in the context of individual sectors and regions of the Grodno region.
Ekaterina Afanasyeva
Methodical aspects of energy-economic analysis of production costs in beekeeping. P. 4046
Summary: The article is proposed method of energy-economic analysis of production costs of production in beekeeping. The presented approaches to the calculation of energy intensity and energy efficiency. Updated articles and the formula of calculation of direct and embodied energy for conducting energy-economic analyses in beekeeping, the proposed indicators determine the energy efficiency of beekeeping farms and production processes in beekeeping.
Halina Rudchanka
Theoretical aspects of efficient supply of agricultural organizations. P. 4753
Summary: The article explains the importance of studying the issues of energy supply of agricultural organizations. Proposed organizational and management levels of the hierarchy of power supply process. For each level of the hierarchy are defined: the main purpose, principles of energy supply, problems to be solved at each level of the hierarchy, the factors that determine the efficiency of energy supply systems. To assess the efficiency of energy supply, a system of indicators, grouped by level of hierarchy, determined purpose of use of the proposed groups of indicators. The features of energy supply of agricultural organizations, established cause and the additional requirements arising in the course of energy considered entities.
Nikolai Popov
Current state and problems of development of oil and fat industry of Ukraine in terms of financial and economic crisis. P. 5460
Summary: The article substantiates the value and location of oil and fat industry in the structure of Ukrainian industry. The main parameters of the dynamics in the development of oil and fat as the industry as a whole, and individual businesses in this profile. Analyzed the level of use of production facilities for processing of sunflower seeds. The results of the analysis of income sources of oilseeds on the specialized companies within the industry, in order to obtain crude sunflower oil. The analysis and assessment of crop area, yield and gross harvest of oilseeds in the period 19952015 years. It identified the main problems of the sector and specialized companies in particular in the financial and economic crisis and the instability of the environment.