№ 2

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Rural economics


Aspects of a conceptual strategy for inter-sectoral integration of the agro-industrial complex in the context of national food competitiveness. P. 3–33

Svetlana MAKRAK

Optimization of value hains of imported

material resources flows for agriculture. P. 34–52

The formation chain of the value of imported flows of material resources for agriculture, taking into account the global market conditions, the peculiarities of the procedure of import and turnover of resources in the country, the comparative characteristic of the domestic resource market attractiveness of competitive environment development are presented in the article. A set of measures to increase the efficiency of the market of material resources for agriculture from the creating favorable conditions for the entry of foreign companies and their functioning, delimited by blocks – organizational, economic and cluster is given. Methodological approaches were developed to calculate the recommended prices for material resources of imported production, taking into account the global situation and the development of agriculture in the country.


Economic assessment of export potential of agri-food sector of the Republic of Belarus. P. 53–60

The article presents a comprehensive analysis of the trends and problems of the functioning of the basic sectors of agriculture and manufacturing, which form the production, economic and export potential of agri-food sector of the Republic of Belarus. Based on the results of the study, the further vector of the industry development was determined, providing for the implementation of strategic and tactical reserves to ensure the competitiveness of Belarusian agricultural products and food products in the foreign market.

Problems of Agroindustrial Complex industries


Flax-growing und processing industry of Belarus: the state of production, labor productivity and work efficiency. P. 61–70

Flax is a traditional agricultural crop on the territory of Belarus. In this regard, the article considers the historical aspect of the development of the flax-growing industry in pre-revolutionary peasant farms and in subsequent agricultural organizations of the republic. Attention is drawn to the fact that due to the long-term technical backwardness of flax cultivation and the primary processing of flax trusts for fiber, labor productivity in the industry has not substantially increased for a long time.

During the period 2015–2019, specialized flax-growing and processing organizations of the republic increased the volume of flax fiber due to the expansion of sown areas, while the quality of products remained low. Therefore, the sale of fiber to consumers was at a deep loss. It is noted that the currently functioning method of calculation labor productivity in flax growing needs to be improved. On the example of open joint Stock company (JSC) “Gorki-flax” of Mogilev region, the expediency of calculating and evaluating hourly labor productivity through the use of added value rather than gross output is proved. It is revealed that if we use the traditional method of calculating labor productivity, then in the dynamics of 2015–2019 this indicator significantly decreased, while the calculation of labor productivity by value added indicates a dynamic trend of its increase. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the staff of JSC “Gorki-flax” for the period 2015–2019 significantly improved the work on the cultivation of the flax and primary processing of trusts for fiber. As a result, the economic and financial indicators of the organization have significantly increased: the flax-growing and processing industry has become steadily profitable.

Reference information

New editions in the fund of the Belarus agricultural library of I. S. Lupinovich (N. Shakura). P. 71–72