Rural economics
IT – cluster of AIC as a mechanism of forming intersectoral Eurasian innovative food hypercorporation “Healthy nutritions” based on the Chinese-Belarusian industrial park “Great Stone”. P. 3–43
Food security of the Eurasian economic union in the context of the global food system. P. 44–51
In the article contains approaches to the stable provision of food security of the EEU member states, taking into account modern global trends in the development of agriculture, as well as the global agenda for sustainable development. It is proposed to form an integrated ecosystem by introducing tools such as the transition to the use of big data in the agricultural sector, the creation and implementation of scientific and technological solutions, the accumulation of human capital, e-commerce and a “green” economy.
Improving the methodology of cadastral land assessment. P. 52–70
Methodological tools for improving the existing methods of cadastral land valuation are described. The basis of its development and improvement of objectivity is the ecological paradigm, the conceptual novelty of which consists in the cost accounting of changes in productive properties and at the same time the ecological state of arable land as a result of annual cycles of economic use. A conceptually new way of forecasting the potential costs associated with the cultivation of crop products has also been developed. It is based on the economic and mathematical models created by the author.
Problems of agroindustrial complex industries
The dynamics of dairy farming development in Belarus. P. 71–77
The authors analyze the dynamics of the Belarusian dairy sector development within a period from 2016 to 2020 being one of the major internal and external market suppliers of milk and dairy products. Since 2011, per capita growth has reached 141 kg. Export opportunities are expanding as well. It is noted that provision of milk in this period has been stable, with the gross production reaching 7765 thousand tons of milk by 2020, or 828 kg per capita. With its share of 38,8 to 43,8% in 2016–2020, milk and dairy products were playing a leading role in the agricultural produce export ratio. The number of dairy cattle in the republic amounts to 1485 heads, as of 1st January 2021. National dairy facilities and milk industry capacities in general are being gradually renovated and subjected to technological improvements, which helps with increasing the output ration of the “extra” class milk. The industry’s needs in highly productive dairy cattle and pedigree livestock for export are well secured on account of 32 cattle breeding farms and 6 genetic selection centers. Dairy industry was given specific targets set out in the five-year program for a 2016–2020 period. During the National Programme implementation with regards to the dairy sector development, the goals set by the programme have been achieved by 90,4%.
Foreign experience
Features of the relationship between agricultural producers of livestock products in the foreign practice of the functioning of production and sales chains. P. 78–91
Ensuring a balanced interaction of agricultural producers as participants in the supply chains determines the main directions of growth of their competitive potential. The article considers the peculiarities of foreign practice of forming relationships of economic entities in the production of livestock products at various levels.
Reference information
New editions from the fund of the I. S. Lupinovich Belarus agricultural library (Nataliya Shakura). P. 92–93
Scientific and pedagogical school of the economics of knowledge (to the 80th anniversary of L. N. Davydenko). P. 94–96