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Piotr Leshchilovski, Aliaksandr Mazol

Estimation`s mechanism of industrial potential of the organization agre-industrial complex and its role in leveling the economic conditions. P. 210

Summary: Nature, attributes and assessment methods of production potential of agricultural organizations are considered. Indicators for measurement of level and efficiency using production potential are defined. The alignment of management terms mechanism is offered in the agrarian sphere.


Fadej Suboch

Innovative susceptibility of the enterprises in cluster institutional space of food system of the EEU. P. 1122


Alex Mikulic

The motivation of the labor leaders of agricultural organizations at the present stage of economic development. P. 2341

Summary: Results of a research of the options of motivation and work incentives of heads of agricultural enterprises used at the present stage of development of domestic agrarian and industrial complex are stated. The comparative analysis of the operating options of establishment of basic salaries of these persons is made. Their possible marginal incomes are determined. The analysis of the actual income of heads of the agrarian entities is carried out, the reasons of a low salary of most of them are revealed. Ways of work incentives of heads and employees of the entities of the agrarian and industrial complex promoting improvement of a financial condition of data of structures are determined.


Maria Nazarova

Methodological approaches for improving the product policy of integrated structures based on the study of consumer behavior. P. 4251

Summary: The article reveals the essence of the concept of product policy in relation to the integrated structures. Methodological approaches for improving the product policy of integrated structures based on the study of consumer behavior using the method of cluster analysis.


Ianina Melnichuk

Accounting of costs formation in the organic crop production yielding. P. 5257

Summary: The process of costs formation in the production of organic plant products described. Special attention is devoted to the prospects of development of organic production. An analysis of prices for organic products, depending on the cost, which includes the costs of the company on its manufacture, is carried out. The comparisons of the costs for organic and traditional production of products of agricultural origin are performed. During the study it was found that organic production is a cost-effective form of agriculture, and has a huge potential in the CIS countries.


New editions in the fund of the Belarus agricultural library of I.S. Lupinovich (I. Fomina). P. 5860