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Makutsenya Ekaterina Pavlovna

Personal information:

Surname                                    Makutsenya    

Name                                          Ekaterina

Patronumic                                Pavlovna

Сitizenship                                 Republic of Belarus

Place of work                             The Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of NAS

                                                    of Belarus                             

Position                                      Head of Foreign Economic Activity Sector

Phone                                          +375 17 275 29 40

Academic degree and title

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor                                                     

Expert areas:

Foreign economic activity in the agro-food sector;

Monitoring of foreign trade in agricultural products and foodstuffs;

Problems of development of export-import flows of agro-food products.


Economic tools for improving foreign trade relations of Belarus in the context of strengthening the export competitiveness of agri-food products: dis. ... Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.05. – Minsk, 2021.

The questionnaire of the scientist:

1. Electronic catalog of the National Library of Belarus                                 

Inner publications:


Development of the agricultural products and food distribution mechanism in modern conditions: materials of the round table (Minsk, February 28, 2024)

Food security monitoring – 2023: in the context of modern trends in the global market

Scientific principles of development regulation of agro-industrial complex: offers and realization mechanisms 2024

Economic potential of efficient and sustainable animal husbandry in the Republic of Belarus: abstracts of round table reports (Minsk, June 12, 2024)

Increasing the efficiency of Agro-Industrial Complex regulation system in new conditions: questions of theory and methodology


System of measures for the development of the vegetable seed market of the Republic of Belarus, taking into account self-sufficiency and export potential

Economic issues of the development of agriculture in Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 51

Food Security. Monitoring – 2022

Commodity and geographical priorities for the development of domestic export potential in the agro-food sector

Activation of foreign economic activity in the context of innovative development of the agro-industrial complex


Formation of effective organizational and economic relations in Agro-Industrial Complex: issues of theory and methodology

Economic issues of the development of agriculture in Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection.. Release 50

Scientific principles for regulating the development of Agro-Industrial complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms

Food security of the Republic of Belarus in the context of the development of international integration processes. Monitoring-2021

Problems and prospects for the development of competition in the markets of food and agricultural products of the EAEU in the context of digitalization and the influence of global trends. In 2 values. Part 1: Trends in food markets in the concept of global value chains

Problems and prospects for the development of competition in the markets of food and agricultural products of the EAEU in the context of digitalization and the influence of global trends. In 2 p. Part 2: Proposals for the development of competition in food markets in the EAEU


Scientific principles for regulating the development of Agro-Industrial Complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms

Directions for improving organizational and economic relations in the agro-food sector of the Republic of Belarus: issues of theory and methodology

Economic issues of the development of agriculture in Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 49

National agro-food system of the Republic of Belarus: methodology and practice of competitive development

Food security monitoring 2020: in the context of the impact of global trends


Scientific principles for regulating the development of Agro-Industrial Complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms

Promising directions of modern development of Agro-Industrial Complex: issues of theory and methodology

Economic issues of the development of agriculture in Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 48

Food Security Monitoring 2019: Socio-Economic Conditions


Economic issues of the development of agriculture in Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 47

Scientific principles for regulating the development of Agro-Industrial Complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms

Mechanisms for effective regulation of the development of Agro-Industrial Complex in modern conditions: issues of theory and methodology

Food security of the Republic of Belarus in the context of the development of international and regional integration. Monitoring-2018


Improving the functioning of the food market of the Union State of Belarus and Russia

Food security of the Republic of Belarus. Monitoring - 2017: in the context of the sustainable functioning of Agro-Industrial Complex

Scientific principles for regulating the development of Agro-Industrial Complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms


Economic issues of the development of agriculture in Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 45

Food security of the Republic of Belarus. Monitoring-2016: social and economic aspects

Modern problems of sustainable development of Agro-Industrial Complex: issues of theory and methodology

Scientific principles for regulating the development of Agro-Industrial Complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms


Food security of the Republic of Belarus in the context of the functioning of the Eurasian Economic Union. Monitoring-2015. 2 parts. Part1.

Food security of the Republic of Belarus in the context of the functioning of the Eurasian Economic Union. Monitoring-2015. 2 parts. Part2.

Guidelines for improving trade and economic relations of the Republic of Belarus with the countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and America (in the field of Agro-Industrial Complex)

Problems of improving the efficiency of the functioning of Agro-Industrial Complex: issues of theory and methodology

Scientific principles for regulating the development of Agro-Industrial Complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms


Guidelines for balancing foreign trade in agricultural products of Belarus within the framework of the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space

Problems of scientific support for the modern development of Agro-Industrial Complex: issues of theory and methodology

Scientific principles for regulating the development of Agro-Industrial Complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms

Food security of the Republic of Belarus. Monitoring-2014: in the context of a balanced development of food markets


Customs Union: realization of the export potential of Agro-Industrial Complex

Guidelines for the diversification of exports and imports of agricultural products, ensuring the optimization of foreign trade

Economic issues of the development of agriculture in Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 42

Food security of the Republic of Belarus. Monitoring 2013: in the context of global food challenges

Economic problems of innovative development of Agro-Industrial Complex at the present stage: questions of theory and methodology

Scientific principles for regulating the development of Agro-Industrial Complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms


Customs Union: Raw Materials and Food Markets

Food security of the Republic of Belarus. Monitoring-2012: in the context of the development of globalization and regional integration processes

Scientific principles for regulating the development of Agro-Industrial Complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms

Economic problems of improving the efficiency of the functioning of Agro-Industrial Complex in the new conditions: questions of theory and methodology


Economic issues of the development of agriculture in Belarus. Cross sectoral subject collection. Issue 40

Scientific principles for regulating the development of Agro-Industrial Complex: proposals and implementation mechanisms

Problems of sustainable development of Agro-Industrial Complex: issues of theory and methodology