DAINEKO Alexey Evgenievich, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Economics, professor
Born in 1968 in the city of Gorki, Mogilev region.
In 1990, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy.
1990–1994 – teacher of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Grodno Agricultural Institute, graduate student of the Belarusian Research Institute of Economic Problems of Agro-Industrial Complex;
1994–2000 – Deputy Director for Research, Head of the Sector of Foreign Economic Relations and Marketing of the Institute of Agrarian Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Defended dissertations for the academic degree of PhD in Economic Sciences «Formation of the vegetable market in new economic conditions (on the example of an administrative region)» (1994) and for the academic degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences «Development of foreign economic relations of Agro-Industrial Complex of Belarus: issues of theory and methodology» (1997).
Since 2000 – Deputy Director for Research, Head of the World Economy Research Department of the Economic Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.
In 2003 he graduated from Minsk State Linguistic University.
1998–2004 – Professor of the Belarusian State Economic University.
Since 1998, Doctor of Economic Sciences, specialties 08.00.05 – «Economics and management of the national economy», 08.00.14 – «World economy and international economic relations». In 2005 he was awarded the academic title of professor.
2000–2001 – scholarship holder of the special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for talented young scientists. Since 2001, he has been a member of the Scientific Advisory Council on monetary policy and development of the banking system at the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus.
Chairman of the section «Problems of the World Economy» of the Academic Council of the Scientific Research Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus. Member of the councils for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations of the Institute of Agrarian Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Scientific Research Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, where he acts as an expert on the problems of the world economy. Member of the editorial board of the economic bulletin of the Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus «Belarusian Economy: Analysis, Forecast, Regulation.»
In 2004, was elected academician of the International Academy of Information Technologies (Minsk).
Prepared 3 candidates of economic sciences. Supervises the training of 12 graduate students at the Scientific Research Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.
From 1994 to 2000, he formed a new direction of research activity in the Republic of Belarus, representing a holistic theory and methodology for the development of foreign economic relations of Agro-Industrial Complex of Belarus, including strategy and models for their development, as well as adequate mechanisms. Taken together, all this determines a qualitatively new concept that takes into account not only the advantages of the international division of labor, but also the targeted integration of the national Agro-Industrial Complex into the system of world economic relations, as well as the rapid development of the mechanisms of functioning of the world economic complex.
Since 2000, the basis of scientific research activities has been the substantiation of the theoretical and methodological foundations, as well as the priorities for the integration of the Republic of Belarus into the world economy; development of an assessment methodology and a set of measures to improve the efficiency of foreign trade of Belarus, including within the framework of the Union State, the Common Economic Space, the Eurasian Economic Community and the CIS; scientific search for promising mechanisms for Belarus’ accession to the World Trade Organization system, directions for developing cooperation with leading international economic organizations; study of the economies of foreign countries in the context of using best practices and intensifying interaction between Belarus and the countries of the European Union.
The results of scientific research by A. E. Daineko were used with his direct participation in the development of the annual draft message of the President of the Republic of Belarus to the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, the Program for the socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus for 2001–2005, the Strategy for foreign economic activity of the Republic of Belarus, the Concept of the Program for social economic development of the Republic of Belarus for 2006–2010, National Strategy for Sustainable Social and Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus until 2020, Comprehensive Forecast of the Consequences of the Republic of Belarus’s accession to the WTO, Long-term Strategy for the Integration of the Economies of Russia and Belarus.
Author of more than 220 scientific works, including 6 original and 64 joint monographs, books and student books, which explore the problems of the world economy, as well as foreign economic relations of the Republic of Belarus.
Source: Agrarian and economic thought of Belarus at the beginning of the 21st century: personnel, areas of research and scientific results / ed. acad. V. G. Gusakov. – Ed. 3rd, revised and enlarged. – Minsk : Center for Agrarian Economics of the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2006. – 204 p.
Additional information can be found:
1. Central Scientific Library named after Yakub Kolas of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: https://csl.bas-net.by/personalii/70448/dayneko-aleksey-evgenievich/. – Access date: 08.11.2023.
2. Belarusian National Technical University [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: https://bntu.by/person/dayneko-aleksey. – Access date: 08.11.2023.
3. Electronic catalog of the National Library of Belarus [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://unicat.nlb.by/scient/pls/dict.prn_ref?tu=e&tq=v0&name_view=va_200&a001=BY-NLB-ar744369&strq=l_siz=20. – Access date: 08.11.2023.