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BARANOVSKIY Stanislav Ivanovich, Doctor of Economics, professor

Born in Lida, Grodno region in 1953.

In 1980 he graduated from the Moscow Technological Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry. The same year he entered full-time graduate school at this institute.

In 1983 defended his PhD thesis, and in 1999 – doctoral dissertation in the specialty 08.00.05 – economics and management of the national economy. In 2001, the Higher Attestation Commission of Belarus awarded the title of professor in the specialty «Economics».

Worked as an assistant at the Mogilev Institute of Technology. In recent years, he has held the following positions:

  • 1989–1992 – head of sector, head of department of the Belarusian branch of VNIITEIagroprom.
  • 1992–1995 – senior researcher at the Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Economics.
  • 1995–1999 – leading researcher, head of the sector of economics of processing agricultural products of the Belarusian Scientific Research Institute of Agrarian Economics.
  • Since 1999 – Head of the Department of Economic Theory and Marketing of the Belarusian State Technological University.

In scientific research the main directions are:

  • development of theoretical foundations for the development and effective functioning of the processing industry, including the definition of goals and patterns of development of the processing industry in the agro-industrial complex, providing for an integrated and waste-free technology for processing agricultural raw materials, structural transformations of processing and related industries, integration of partners in the production, processing and marketing of finished products , rational concentration of production in efficiently functioning enterprises, introduction of advanced technologies, justification of new methodological approaches to the development of large and small processing in the transition to a market economy, creation of effective integration formations, improvement of the structure of production in specific industries;
  • justification of the economic feasibility of creating and developing small processing enterprises, taking into account the volume of local raw materials and the level of organization of their procurement, the amount of costs and losses during the transportation of agricultural raw materials, the presence and technical condition of existing processing enterprises and the possibility of cooperation between them; in this context, effective options and schemes for the functioning of small industries with the production of the most profitable types of products are provided;
  • determining the facilities at which their break-even operation and the use of technologies for complex, deep processing of raw materials and waste are ensured;
  • justification of the directions of structural transformations of the processing industry, providing for the identification of groups of industries and enterprises according to the degree of economic condition. Based on this, an economic and mathematical model has been proposed that allows optimizing the supply of raw materials and the structure of production for milk processing enterprises in specific regions;
  • improving the production structure of enterprises, built on the basis of correlation models that reflect the impact on profit of the size of capacities and the degree of their utilization when producing various types of products, which makes it possible to determine its effective structure, as well as justify the feasibility of attracting borrowed funds;
  • development of a mechanism for economic relations between processing, agricultural and trading enterprises within the framework of the agro-industrial complex, including justification of the organizational and management structure, options for the functioning and mutual settlements of cooperative formations, a methodology for determining the amount of participants’ contribution to the final result, a set of organizational and economic measures aimed at increasing interest in increasing efficiency management;
  • economic problems of structural transformations in the transition period and features of restructuring of industry and the chemical and forestry complex;
  • formation and development of corporate structures, as well as improving the mechanism of economic relations between forestry enterprises;
  • improving marketing activities and increasing the efficiency of functioning of enterprises in the chemical and forestry complex.

241 scientific papers with a total volume of 285 p. sh. were published, including 143 by the author personally.


Source: Agrarian-economic thought of Belarus at the beginning of the 21st century: personnel, areas of research and scientific results / ed. acad. V. G. Gusakov. – Ed. 3rd, revised and enlarged – Minsk : Center for Agrarian Economics of the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2006. – 204 p.


Additional information can be found at:

Electronic catalog of the National Library of Belarus [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: – Access date: 11/09/2023.